Teenager Allegedly Busted Hitting 208mph In A Mustang

Although the 2011 Mustang shouldn't do more than 155mph in factory condition, one American teen has been caught doing 208mph - but we're a bit dubious about that
Teenager Allegedly Busted Hitting 208mph In A Mustang

A 19-year-old kid in Oklahoma has – apparently – been caught driving at 208mph in a 2011 Ford Mustang. No, we’re not sure either.

Local news outlet kfor.com is reporting that a state trooper pulled teenage Hector Fraire over after first clocking his Mustang at 176mph and then 208mph. The lad allegedly tried to escape the police by hitting the gas and turning all his lights off – including, so the story claims, his brake lights. Hmmm.

Arrested for reckless driving and ‘felony eluding’, the one question we’d really like to ask is how the hell he managed to get any 2011 pony car to hit 208mph. We’d want the trooper’s speed gun testing, for starters…

Teenager Allegedly Busted Hitting 208mph In A Mustang

Most V8 Mustangs of that era are limited to 155mph, but some owners take the reins off. Jalopnik speculates that the 2011 car’s derestricted top speed would be about 170mph at the absolute most, and even the later GT500 model from 2013 would only reach 189mph.

If that car was well short of 200mph despite its 662bhp, how much power would Fraire’s have needed to hit 208mph on the street? Would the Mustang’s barn-door aerodynamics even allow it with less than 1000bhp?

Teenager Allegedly Busted Hitting 208mph In A Mustang

Either the trooper’s equipment is wrong or it’s one of the most powerful Mustangs ever built. If it’s the latter, he’d undoubtedly have had some serious danger to his manifold.

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Jordan 4
11/16/2016 - 13:58 |
5 | 9

I thought I could go a day without forced memes.

Apparently not.

11/16/2016 - 15:50 |
4 | 1
iCypher(Joel Chan)

208 mph In A Mustang. Now THAT is something we have to look into. Still, with 1000 bhp, you’d have to wonder, Hector has some serious skill, to not have binned it at that speed. Assuming the State Trooper’s measurements are correct(Which they probably aren’t, since which Police Force’s cars, bar Abu Dhabi, actually has a car that’ll top 200?).

11/16/2016 - 14:00 |
3 | 3

The police cars of Dubai and Abu Dhabi that you see everywhere on the internet arent actually used in pursuits, they just drive around tourist attractions, doing nothing. Its more of a “flashing” thing tbh

11/16/2016 - 14:32 |
4 | 0
Anton 3

That The Fast And The Furious reference at the end, hilarious!

11/16/2016 - 14:02 |
3 | 1

yea one kid in my class said he hit 150 in his suburban

11/16/2016 - 14:02 |
10 | 2
Christian J

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Not possible. I drive a 04 suburban and even doing 85 feels sketchy.

11/16/2016 - 14:07 |
17 | 0
Szymek Slusarczyk

Maybe 2011 isn’t the year it was made but actually how much HP it has. In that case the driver has my respect

11/16/2016 - 14:02 |
41 | 2

Best possible answer.

11/16/2016 - 14:28 |
12 | 0

Legend has it that if you hit enough pedestrians at just the right angle it increases the aerodynamics of a mustang to the point where you can hit
any speed. Still a lot of though💀💀💀

11/17/2016 - 02:25 |
4 | 1
Valanti Demetriades

Silly cop forgot to change the radar from kph to mph

11/16/2016 - 14:05 |
358 | 5

That means he was going 129mph…?!

11/16/2016 - 15:53 |
34 | 1
Kyle Ashdown

“Whaddaya mean, the gun was in metric mode?”

11/16/2016 - 14:05 |
15 | 1


11/16/2016 - 14:06 |
0 | 0
Freddie Skeates

A gt500 will reach 202 unlimited I thought

11/16/2016 - 14:06 |
2 | 0

The claim was 202, the best motortrend could do under not-quite-but-close-to perfect conditions was 196 as can be seen here: https://youtu.be/NRuE38Bl5Mo. Still better than the 189 the post claims though

11/16/2016 - 14:14 |
4 | 0

That guy is my buddy. And no, he did not hit 208. We can confirm that. The car still pulls after speedo top out at 160, so we guess its top speed is more than 160, but definitly under 180. It has stock MT82 transmission. He just has Bama tune, exhaust and headers, basically close to stock. He had nos but it would not help on top speed, and it was not in used in the pursuit. 176 is possible but not 208 by the 2nd cop like they said.

11/16/2016 - 14:06 |
132 | 2
Kyle Ashdown

In reply to by Bom493

Not to encourage street racing, but if this happened when the airport was shut down, then your buddy was in the fastest vehicle (planes included) in OKC at that time. Something to nerd out on.

11/16/2016 - 14:13 |
52 | 1

2jz_jc TheLonelyDriver he’s the dude i told you about. I drove that car multiple times before.

11/16/2016 - 23:32 |
1 | 0

Someone found out a few days ago that it was a modified 5.0 Mustang.

11/16/2016 - 14:21 |
4 | 1

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