#InitialDSequel # MFGhost MF Ghost Chapter 3 English Translation is out! (Also included previous chapters for reference)
Chapter 3: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ut20d2itsxrrtqj/AAACH_0BseoWqJz01zHDW64xa?dl=0
Chapter 2: https://www.scribd.com/document/359054055/Chapter-2
Chapter 1: https://www.scribd.com/document/358621324/Chapter-1?fref=gc&dti=1743143815961981
Tell me if you want to be tagged for the next release in the comments!
Also I recommend downloading everything in case this stuff gets taken down or archived for some reason in the future, I find this happens a lot if a scan like this gets older than a year)
Plz tag me when a new chapter release
Tag me next release pls.
Please tag me too :D
Can I be tagged as well? Much appreciated
Can you tag me too pls?
Can you tag me when you make an mf ghost post like this?
Please tag me when chapter 4 comes out!
I can’t tag you for some reason, check out my latest post, chapter 4 and 5 raws are out (not the translations yet tho :/)
Tag me please
You’re a life saver dude