-1991 R32 Nissan Skyline GTS-T Type M
-1991 R32 Nissan Skyline GTR
-2014 Turbo Subaru BRZ
Articles by Benjamin_3dens
Nissan Owners
Hello i am new to this community as i have only had the car for a week. The car has a few mods and they are as follows. Aftermarket Suspension, Aftermarket Rims, new clutch, Momo Steering wheel + quick release, aftermarket exhaust, and r32 gtr seats. Everything else on the car is as came from factory. But i have had a few problems i’m hoping someone in this community can help me out with. First problem i’m experiencing is the engine bogging down at random times.Earlier in the day i was driving with a friend and after a while the engine would bog at 5k rpm.