Articles by TopCars TV
Many cars get redesigned, but not always in a good way. Hey crowd, I’m Styp and welcome to TopCars TV where I list 10 cars with the worst facelifts ever done. For this list, I name the worst offenders of the metal surgery. Design updates that ruined perfectly good cars, new regulations that saved our lives but left us blind, and corporate faces we would rather face away, it’s all in here. So let’s go!
For decades already, we had been told by brainiacs and some hippies who don’t shower, that soon we will have to give up on our big engines or the ability to breathe. Not an easy choice for sure, which is why the government had to step in and make one for us. And so, the V12s and V8s are about to become extinct, which spells doom for us petrolheads that will have to make do with 6 cylinders only; At the most! But is that really so bad? Because here are the top 10 cars with 6 cylinders that might prove us wrong.
British Cars
The new Vantage was finally revealed, stripped naked of that hallucinating wrap, and proudly presented for everyone to see: this is the car we will be making 20 different variations of over the next decade or so. But if you are anything like me or LaQuanda from the featured image (scroll to top), you must have been wondering, WOT IS DAT mole on the side of it?! Where is the iconic side vent with a silver strip running through it? Well, let me explain.
Muscle Cars are a quintessential American thing. Low price, good looks, big engine, big noise and more horsepower than the car can handle. Who cares how fast it goes around the track, or if it’s using the latest space age materials, it’s all about burning that rubber before it catapults you straight to the horizon. Europeans simply don’t have such cars, but there are some that come very close, some that share the same spirit no matter the price tag or shape they come in. Welcome to TopCars TV, as we unveil the top 10 European Muscle Cars.
Cars are extensions of our personalities. At least that’s what the marketing people tell us, and to some point they are right. We do care about how others see us, so our cars do the talking. However, that marketing thing can often fail, miserably, and the message our cars give out just ends up being embarrassing. Welcome to another TopCars TV countdown as we rank the top ten cars you really don’t want to be seen in.
SUVs aim to be everything for everyone. Good looks, great practicality, go anywhere, and as of lately, fast and luxurious as well. It’s no wonder that demand for them is sky rocketing, and almost every car maker has jumped onto that band wagon; even some extreme ones that never made anything like an SUV. So this should be interesting. Welcome to TopCars TV as we go down the list of the Top 10 Extreme SUVs.
True Nicknames are Earned, not Given. When a car connects with the public, it earns a nickname that reflects on its speed, demeanor or sheer dominance. Mention any one of these to a true petrolhead, and he will know exactly what you are talking about. Simply because true nicknames are earned, not given. Welcome to TopCars TV, and get ready for the top 10 cars with the coolest nicknames. Let’s go.
Italy! It’s a place that is assaulting all your senses in an almost divine way. There is classical music for your ears, Italian cuisine for your taste, soft leather and smooth clothes that you touch, the smell of Mediterranean, and most importantly — a feast for your eyes: paintings, sculptures, design, vistas, nature, women, fashion, architecture, furniture… the lot! Italy has it all, Italy has it beautiful!