Bring a Caterham To MARS
Or an MX-5, that'll do as well. CT's Martian of choice. EEE. Inconstant artist, constant debater, and OK Go fan. Always happy to get tagged in a post! (Ass Class is best class)
Articles by Bring a Caterham To MARS
Caterham did something other than the Seven? Yep. This is the Caterham 21, the only other car Caterham ever made. It was pretty much a more comfortable, everyday-use Seven. When did that happen? Between 1994 and 1999. Was it meant to replace the Seven? No. The production was already meant to be limited to 200 cars a year. So, 200 cars a year, for 5 years, that makes for… Yup. 48 cars. What? Why?