Watch This Scumbag Steal An Old Lady's Car Using The Oldest Trick In The Book
It's the oldest trick in the book, but that didn't stop this scumbag from duping an old lady into thinking her car was leaking fluid, before getting into it, ramming her out of the way and driving off...
If that’s a focus… the lady should’ve focused harder…
If it’s a swift… the thief didn’t pull out to swiftly
This guy is lower than my car
Please get this
And for that guy, “thats not all he’s lost”
What a supid useless worthless piece of very crappy
4 hours laters
Stupod dumb horrible worthless peice of prius multypla aztech child
“ I was expecting a video “ ( humor )
At least he was reluctant to completely wipe her out…..
If only she had a manual
It’s in the uk, so most people know how to use manual
I don’t get it ? It’s the uk?
I kind of like this type of criminality! In a world of violence this is kind of romantic in a way. Strapping young lad bound in JD sports gear robbing a OAP just screams classic British thug.
Screams classic d*ckhead that needs to spend some time in prison with real criminals that wouldn’t even tolerate robbing the elderly
haha damn.. thats why you dont leave your car running even when you just get out one second unless you think you can run faster than your car
I was about to write a comment but it contained flamethrower, torturing and public execution…so nevermind