The Fate Of The Furious Super Bowl Trailer Is All Flying Cars, Missiles And Explosions

Want another glimpse of Fate of the Furious? Make sure you check out the 'Big Game Spot'
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Even though I’m a Brit, I think I just about grasp the concept of the Super Bowl. Yes, at its core is a jolly good game of hand egg football, but it’s more about the event as a whole, with all sorts of other things going on like Lady Gaga jumping into the abyss and many high profile adverts. And one particular advert might have stood out for petrolheads: a new Fate of the Furious trailer.

While it’s mostly made up of footage we’ve already seen in the main trailer, there are a few new bits to enjoy, including one scene near the end involving Dom’s Charger-cum-Batmobile thing, which perhaps hints at what we’ve all been expecting - despite having ‘gone rouge’ with Charlize Theron’s terrorist baddie, Dom will come good in the end.

F&F 8 may surprise us yet, but we’re fully expecting the vest-shod hero to be sipping Coronas with his ‘family’ by the time the credits roll.

The film will be released on 14 April.

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Did anybody else think that it would be so awesome If They showed us So dissapointing trailers and then in the beggining of the movie at premiere told that it was just a joke and this will be real racing film?

02/06/2017 - 14:13 |
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Murcielago goes underwater

How could this movie get any worse?

02/06/2017 - 14:22 |
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02/06/2017 - 15:03 |
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Buhbuhbuhbuh… Bullsh*t..


02/06/2017 - 16:46 |
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is every1 gonna gloss over the fact that there’s a dude shooting up new york traffic head on with a mini gun. wtf is this movie supposed to be.

02/06/2017 - 16:53 |
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02/06/2017 - 17:06 |
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In reply to by Hevar

Seems like he really needed that.

02/06/2017 - 18:22 |
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Going swimming in an SV :D

02/06/2017 - 17:23 |
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‘member when fast and furious was about Street racing.

02/06/2017 - 17:52 |
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Skyler Piper

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Ooooooo yeahhhhh I member!

02/06/2017 - 21:07 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

And cars in general

02/07/2017 - 23:34 |
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we need a new fast & furious with street races

02/06/2017 - 21:26 |
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Bartek Kozmicki

Nothing has changed XD

02/06/2017 - 23:50 |
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