What is the fastest speed you reached in real life and what car?
So you died in Tokyo drift, I assume before filming you knew you’d die, we’re you just as upset as I was when you found out a few movies later that you’re death wasnt an accident
What is your favorite memory of working with Paul?
Hi Sung, what is your absoulute favorite car and what is your least favorite one?
Do you like chips as much as your f&f character
Would you consider becoming a regular member of CT?
Do you have any car related, inspirational quotes?
Hey there Sung! What was your first car?
have you considered becoming a professional drifter?
What is the fastest speed you reached in real life and what car?
So you died in Tokyo drift, I assume before filming you knew you’d die, we’re you just as upset as I was when you found out a few movies later that you’re death wasnt an accident
What is your favorite memory of working with Paul?
Hi Sung, what is your absoulute favorite car and what is your least favorite one?
Do you like chips as much as your f&f character
Would you consider becoming a regular member of CT?
Do you have any car related, inspirational quotes?
Hey there Sung! What was your first car?
have you considered becoming a professional drifter?
What is your favourite color at cars ?