Can We Guess Which Manufacturer Is Your Favourite?

We've put together a totally scientific quiz to decipher which manufacturer you have the greatest affinity to

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Will Gordon

*redoes test until I get subaru

04/25/2016 - 23:55 |
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I want TVR not Fiat

04/25/2016 - 23:57 |
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Eric Delaney

I got Ferrari, but mines Lancia. So the country is right, and they kinda shared stuff back in the day.

04/26/2016 - 00:04 |
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write resons wrong company You’re probably a big fan of American muscle, European hot hatches, anti-social driving, or all of the above. The Blue Oval has been synonymous with car culture for decades, and you’re proud to drive an iconic slice of history. for Ford
but im a dodge guy

04/26/2016 - 00:14 |
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I got Ferrari. How the living hell did I get Ferrari? I’m okay with that though.

EDIT: Took it again and got Lamborghini. LOL!

04/26/2016 - 00:25 |
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ferrari……..wrong i love bmw’s

04/26/2016 - 00:27 |
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not even close, m8s

04/26/2016 - 00:29 |
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Klas Kitsune

I got Ferrari… I hate Ferrari

04/26/2016 - 00:30 |
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Blue oval baby!

04/26/2016 - 00:54 |
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Antonio 3

Ferrari, because i spend on fuel what i should use on clothes.

04/26/2016 - 00:56 |
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