Can You Get Level 'Expert Mechanic' On This Car Parts Quiz?
Most of us would admit that, while we’re happy to change an air filter or install a CD player, we’re not pro mechanics. Luckily, you shouldn’t have to be for this little test. Let us know what level you are in the comments below!
Tool mechanic at Glock so it fits
Aside from their use of chain and sprocket from a motorcycle and not having an appropriate response for this question, Pretty easy.
Expert mechanic outta nowhere!?
I got Expert Mechanic
Is it even possible to get something else than expert mechanic? xD
Complete bs, purposely got 50% and I also got expert mechanic. Maybe when you do paid promotions, you might as well put some effort into it. What a joke.
This was way too easy.
The 2nd question is a piston AND a conrod.. Just saying
Did terribly on the test… Expert Mechanic.
This test is too easy SMH. Anyone who’s worked on a car like once should be able to do well on this.