If you could exclusively be excluded from one traffic rule/sign, what would it be?

I would choose to not have to obey yield signs.

I would choose to not have to obey yield signs.

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I’d say STOP signs. In some places, they are just unnecessary. They can easily be replaced with a GIVE WAY sign instead and the traffic still be as safe/fluid.

02/18/2016 - 01:01 |
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Masahiko Suzuki

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

“give way” signs sounds cool.

02/18/2016 - 06:49 |
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If traffic rules include emissions/testing, I’d like to be exempt from road noise and all that (i’ll run cats cause I get it, but I legally can’t touch my exhaust system otherwise it’s illegal)
Even though it’s illegal to touch my exhaust, I have an entirely new exhaust system with new cats, my excuse is it broke on me.
Otherwise i’d say appearance hindrances, like license plates/stickers and what not. Kinda ruin the cars look I think

02/18/2016 - 01:05 |
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Racer X 1

man that’s a great gif. Instant karma, What goes around comes around, every action has a equal and opposite reaction…. Take your pick.

02/18/2016 - 01:11 |
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Speed limits, on the open road. I don’t mind in town, but you should be allowed to go your own pace on the open road

02/18/2016 - 01:24 |
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Well duh speed limit signs!

02/18/2016 - 01:50 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

gack, my words EXACTLY. I promise I didn’t read yours before I posted.

02/18/2016 - 03:25 |
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The Prius of the Nürburgring

Anything’s street legal

02/18/2016 - 01:50 |
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The Stig's Mazda Loving Cousin

Handicap parking. You can be close to the where you are going and there is enough space between parking spots on one can really hit you

02/18/2016 - 01:51 |
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this one, i can live with the other speed limits but this one is a b**ch, especially during road trips

02/18/2016 - 02:14 |
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Brandon Sever

Red lights. They should be treated like stop signs if nobody is around.

02/18/2016 - 02:25 |
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R e d

‘Strayan 110km/h Sign

02/18/2016 - 02:42 |
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