Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown: VW Beetle Buggy Wreck Locations

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown has brought back the great TDU2 tradition of wreck hunting, allowing you to ‘rebuild’ a classic car by means of finding piles of rubble.
There’s a joy to be had in hunting the wrecks with no help, aside from the on-screen pinger when you’re close to one, but it can be a headache at times. Fear not if you simply cannot be bothered, as we’ve done the hard work for you.
Solar Crown has two cars to discover this way, each requiring 14 wrecks to be found. We’re focusing on the ‘secret-off road car’ here, the VW Beetle Buggy, but you can also find our guide to the ‘secret classic’ wreck here.
‘Secret off-road car’ wreck locations
Aberdeen (District 1)
1 - One of the easiest wrecks to find. It’s located in a car park between the roads at the south entrance to the Aberdeen tunnel, ever so slightly north of the gas station. You can’t miss it.

2 - There’s a secret route at the first junction east of the Aberdeen meeting point. Follow that to find the wreck.

Causeway Bay (District 2)
3 - Head to the mountain road south of the Solar Hotel and the first junction has a secret road. Follow that along and you’ll find the wreck nestled along a river about halfway up.

Central District (District 3)
4 - Head to the quay front of the Central District north of the British Performance showroom. Around halfway along, you’ll find the wreck near some bins.

Pok Fu Lam (District 4)
5 - Bring something with decent ground clearance for this one. There’s a set of steps at the junction that connects a residential area of Pok Fu Lam to the coastal highway. Head down those and follow a short bit of a dirt road to find the wreck. Don’t ask me how many times I got stuck on the steps in an SL65.

Quarry Bay (District 5)
6 - This one is a little complex. Head north from the American dealership, take the second right and keep going straight. This will lead you to a construction site.
Head through the site until you see a ramp that goes through a gigantic pipe. You can either let the intrusive thoughts of jumping it at full speed kick in or instead slow down and drive around the left of the ramp. You’ll see a digger with its crane extended, which you’ll want to drive under. Go a few extra feet from there and you’ll see a section cordoned off by yellow barriers which you can drive through, and then you’ll spot the wreck.

Happy Valley (District 6)
7 - Another easy one. This wreck is at the back of the Happy Valley North gas station.

Repulse Bay (District 7)
8 - Head to the seafront south of Repulse Bay’s workshop. There are some steps along the beach towards the east where you’ll find this wreck.

Chai Wan (District 8)
9 - There’s a block of apartments off a narrow road towards the south of Chai Wan’s biggest residential area. From the main mountain road to the east of the highway, follow the narrow streets which will take you to a T junction.
Head left, follow the road around and you’ll come across a secret route. At the end of that is a wreck, and the most air con units strapped to a building you could imagine.

Shek O (District 9)
10 - This one requires a bit of a trek. High up along the left-side coastal road of Shek O, just north of the junction which sends you to the speed trap, is a secret route. That immediately splits into two, and you want to take the left route.
Keep following that and eventually, you’ll see a shack on the right-hand side after a fairly long left-hand curve. The wreck will be placed right in front of it.

Stanley (District 10)
11 - You’d do well to miss this wreck. It’s located outside of a shop at the side of Stanley’s main coastal road.

Tai Tam (District 11)
12 - Follow the narrow road to the east of the Tai Tam meeting point. The map makes it look like a dead-end road if you haven’t explored it before, but there’s a short secret route at the end. You’ll find the wreck along this in a sparse bit of rainforest.

Wan Chai (District 13)
13 - Not far south of the Wan Chai meeting place is a square connected by some very narrow roads. You’ll want to head near the top of that, but before you reach it, turn right down an unmarked alley. This will lead you through a unit with parked lorries which if you follow around, takes you to the wreck nestled in a corner.

Western District (District 14)
14 - This one can be a bit of a headache to figure out. You’ll want to head to the end of the road north of the Western District meeting point. From there, drive around the back of the warehouse and keep going west. Further along at the end of the dock is a bunch of shipping containers, where you’ll find the wreck.

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