Today's community question: What's the ugliest race car you've ever seen?
Let us know in the comments below and be sure to add a picture too!

Let us know in the comments below and be sure to add a picture too!
Let us know in the comments below and be sure to add a picture too!
Let us know in the comments below and be sure to add a picture too!
How did that get into F1
Eh, it’s not all that bad. The color is beautiful.
And the stupid bastards still haven’t got rid of those things. I mean, how hard can it be to make rules that mandate a proper shape of the nose?
The Caterham mechanics better don’t drop the soap
it’s like it doesn’t know what era it exists in
Cadillac Le Monstre
Le Monstrosity.
Le Monstre is about right lol
Ligier js5
Can’t be unseen…
I like that aswell..
I actually love that scoop, one of very few. I can see why people don’t like it though, it looks entirely silly but that’s why I do like it xD
Everything about it is terrible. I hate you for making me aware this exists.
Marcos Xylon, too much clownshoe
It looks so surprised and little sad when you said that!
Considering my recent feelings about Chevrolet, it’s not like I’m holding anything back right?
It looks cool IMO even if it is a Prius
I actually really like that…
I know it’s fast and all but look at that squares
Beat me to it lol
When you’re a racecar but minecraft is life
And the different colour for the doors don’t help it
The washing machine of the future.
So many choices, but this one is both ugly and pointless:
is… is that a Fusion Sports Prototype?
Just a joke haha
Bro this is not a racecar, that’s a hairdresser car (jk)
Alex Kersten