What's the best car chase scene from movies or television? (Bonus points if you link it!)

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Great Movie

02/25/2016 - 00:53 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I just wanted to play Ridge Racer watching that scene. Points for the part with the Fiat 500 though!

02/23/2016 - 20:52 |
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Mad Max Fury Road

02/23/2016 - 21:00 |
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Alfetta, semi-automatica 7.65 e baffo prepotente. Arte.

02/23/2016 - 22:58 |
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Daniel Busker

<a class="embedly-card" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcG-rjoYiMo">Vin Diesel - Triple x - Bridge Jump - xXx</a>

<script async src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js" charset="UTF-8"></script> i saw this movie before fnf and it was the first movie with Vin Diesel that i saw and that made him my hero so i know its not the most spectacular chase or best movie but its been a big part of molding me into a car guy

02/23/2016 - 21:30 |
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They really put the bullbar to use at the end

02/23/2016 - 21:38 |
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FreD PersY

Every chase in Alarm für Cobra (Cobra 11)

02/23/2016 - 21:41 |
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