What's the one single car part you don't understand on your car?
For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O
For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O
For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O
For me it has to be the helical differential. Absolutely no idea. :O
Catalytic Converters. I get like….what they do. I just don’t get how they do it. Where does it store all the icky stuff?!
It burns them.
CO + O2 —-> CO2
So you get lower CO-value
Diesel engines have problem with black smoke. This is unburned fuel. It gets burned, too.
The woman sitting next to me ;)
Some weird magnet in the engine bay, it’s meant to do something with the timing, but I doubt it works, the designer was fired after they made this car, so I guess it didn’t work, also they worked with this guy for about a decade or so, it was one of their touring car drivers
That one thing you press on the floor that makes the car go braaaaap
My old bmw was always telling me my “Bedienungsanleitung” was broken, took me some time to figure it out
How the helical/torsen diff works. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=intent://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DJEiSTzK-A2A%23Intent%3Bscheme%3Dhttp%3Bpackage%3Dcom.google.android.youtube%3BS.browser_fallback_url%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fm.youtube.com%252Fwatch%253Fv%253DJEiSTzK-A2A%3BS.android.intent.extra.REFERRER_NAME%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.google.com%3BlaunchFlags%3D0x8080000%3Bend&ved=0ahUKEwjNjcnk3v_KAhVKnoMKHd08CJkQjjgIHDAA&usg=AFQjCNEnqAiCrQ0-shFBnLG3ZH2Fn3BAog&sig2=UqHP_B9_x_4oY2gLm9o5fQ
Why diffs make one wheel turn one way when you turn the other wheel the other way… yet they both drive forward…
My automatic transmission. Like how does change gears without me pushing a clutch?
I drive a BMW and I don’t get those shiny reflective things on the side of the car.
The coolant line that RUNS THROUGH MY BELL HOUSING INTO MY ENGINE….. Dodge………