Which Engine Swap Project Is Right For You?

The possibilities are almost endless, but with the help of science*, we'll give you an idea of which car and engine combination you should choose for the next project!

Post your outcomes in the comments below to show us which chassis and powertrain is right for you!

*Not really science.

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I think I’d like to do this if I had the money

01/25/2017 - 00:52 |
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I think they had me at the 13k rpm
Yamaha Mini. Let that thing scream its throat out lol

01/25/2017 - 00:55 |
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Result: Mazda MX-5 V6-swap
Question is:

01/25/2017 - 01:07 |
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Chewbacca_buddy (McLaren squad)(VW GTI Clubsport)(McLaren 60

What did Alex Kersten get?

01/25/2017 - 01:09 |
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Moogen 切り

Unexpected but very interesting.

01/25/2017 - 01:10 |
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Kelvin Landis

Says I should do a Mini Cooper/Yamaha R1 swap little do they know I’m trying to find a Mini to do this to!!

01/25/2017 - 01:11 |
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Kelvin Landis

I’m actually trying to find a Mini to do an R1 swap so I have to do this now!!

01/25/2017 - 01:13 |
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Daniel Busker

brb deleting my acount and ct app….

01/25/2017 - 01:15 |
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I had the same reaction haha

01/25/2017 - 22:27 |
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01/25/2017 - 01:18 |
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Close, but what I really want to do is an MGB with a Jeep’s 4.0 straight six

01/25/2017 - 01:19 |
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