Would You Rather: Have Cold Showers For Life Or Never Get To Drive A Car Above 2.0 Litres?
Would you settle for a life of disappointing showers if it meant you could drive any engine size you wanted, or would you limit your life to 2.0 litres to crank up the water heat?
Ain’t no way I’m gonna give up my 6.2 L slice of FREEDOM!
Way to state youre american 😂
What do you drive?
Over this?
No way!
Cold showers aren’t bad for you……… Right?
No,both have their good points
Cold showers hurts the brain, but prevents muscle inflamation, and hot showres are ggod for the brain, but they might cause muscle inflamation. That’s what i always got told in the gym after working out.
I love hot showers but in this case….no replacement for displacement
Except turbos…
You do not deserve that nickname if that is your opinion!
Plz charge it to “MURICA doge” :C
Cold shower
20b rotary with a massive turbo and a hot shower
That’s hardcore!
But a 20b is well over 2.0L equivalent to a piston engine. No hot showers for you friend.
The government enacting the law is stupid, don’t use physics on them; they’ll use it against you.
came here for this, not disappointed
I Like Chasers… They’re 2.5L…
I usually have cold showers anyway so I’d go with that
Alpha Romeo 4c is 1.8L and 240BHP.
Bolt an eBay turbo onto it and for a very short time you will have around 300 BHP :D
I’ve taken cold showers before won’t bother future me. There truly is no replacement for displacement.
Well, my dream car has a 1.3l engine, so…
Will you rally your Wartburg? And this is on of the most easily affordable dream cars I have ever seen. I really want a Fiat 126p, which is kind of in the same league.
Lots of people have a different 1.3 liter dream car…