The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

From virtual race cars to admiring the work of rally legends, you guys were on fire in the comments last week!
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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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6. Just a great bloke

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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7. The ultimate road trip

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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8. 'Pigneo'

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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9. Y u no save the classics?!

The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

Read more about the incredible selection of cars killed under the UK’s scrappage scheme.

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The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week

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