The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
From GT-R Ikea hauling to short shifting below the belt, we've rounded up the funniest, wittiest and downright weirdest comments on CT last week - did you make the cut?
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First comment!
Seriously, No one cares
Omg TWICE?!?
Lucky V12 man…
Ah, I shall get my Thug glory back.
That’s sad cause only 9 guys made to list this week, but you deserve it
When you see MR.purple V12 twice
Do you use top comment hacks or how youve done that
This probably made my day
That frog mask
I was asking for that wasn’t I
And i just realize that my comment got 127 upvotes
Imagine if the best comment on CT next week is the comment of the best comment’s post 😄
Best comment-ception!
Yes I made it. Also FIA reminds me of school they also ban all forms of creativity.
I like trains
Favourite engine? Livery?
I legit almost pass out from excitement when I seen my name. Thank you guys
I was the same last week.