The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
We've been scouring the comments section once more to find the funniest, wittiest and downright weirdest things you guys had to say last week! There's a healthy dose of Clarkson-isms, comedy quips and a mesmerising GIF - check out the rest here...
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Aaaanndd I still tried to upvote the screenshots…
This weeks funny comments brought to you by “Okay Google, what do you think is funny?”
I read comments that actually made me laugh. But none were featured. Do Over.
didn’t find the photo i was looking for. so here is a tank-lid.
The worst feeling on earth is when someone makes a funny comment before you got a chance to and they make in it to the top 10.
Ah man, i was sure i had it this week with my #savage entry
pahahaha nice man!