10 Blatant Lies Petrolheads Are Guilty Of Telling

1. "I'll keep this car for years"

No one should believe this for a second. Another car will always come along that’s just too tempting to miss…
2. "I don't care what people think of my car"

If you’ve gone for a controversial choice of car, or if gone with a modification that not everyone will agree with, you might say this. But insults still cut us deep, which is why it’s important to always be respectful about fellow car guy or girl’s rides. Unless it’s a Mini Paceman.
3. "It's OK, the race I'm watching is nearly over"

If you’ve been hogging the TV for a while to watch F1, Nascar or whatever motorsport takes your fancy, you might say this to calm down whoever you share the house with. Even though there are 40 laps left…
4. "I just need to do something in the garage, I'll only be half an hour"

Sometimes this is a lie, but sometimes a job genuinely doesn’t end up being as easy as you expected. Either way, for however long you’ve said you’ll be working on your car, quadruple that figure and then you’re about there.
5. "I raced a supercar and won"

Most of the time, the other person probably wasn’t aware that he or she was being raced…
6. "My MX-5 doesn't have any rust"

You’re kidding, right?
7. "My car has 1,000,000bhp"

We’ve all been guilty of embellishing our power figure at some point, haven’t we?
8. "Yes, I've declared all mods to my insurer"

Quite possibly the most prolific petrolhead lie of them all.
9. "I don't spend too long on racing games"

Keep telling yourself that, but if you’re on Forza/Gran Turismo or something else for more than 30 hours a week, you might have a bit of a problem…
10. "I'll let you drive my car one day"

Some of us will never be able to trust another person with our pride and joy. And that’s just fine.
Want more petrolhead mistruths? Here are eight lies you might hear from someone about their project car.
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