10 Car Names We'd Actually Consider For Our Kids
We recently asked you: if you had to give your future kid a car's name, what would it be? Here are the best suggestions, and a couple that would make a kid's life pretty 'interesting'
1. Silvia
2. Miata
3. Enzo
4. Bentley
5. Giulia
6. Aston
7. Regera
8. Huayra
9. Sierra
10. Koenigsegg
Bonus kid's name: Turbo
Take a look at the original thread of car names we’d actually consider using on our kids.
Should I call my son Aston???
I want my son to be aston as well, Aston Martinez, the latino fake edition of the car
I have a friend that has a name Aston Yvette Martin but she’s a girl
My dog is call Aston
Kia. Who remember that clip on Top Gear?
there is one really pretentious famous dude (or has been really) in the netherlands that everyone over here really hates and he named one of his kids rolls and the other royce
Shoot, I’d name a daughter Silvia.
My Spanish teacher’s name is Mercedes…
These are actually good. I think I should name my kid Giulia or Huayra and turbo hahahaha
If I have a daughter, I’m naming her Silvia. Or Mercedes.
Calling your child Mercedes is a sure fire way to make sure they grow up to be a stripper.
Name them Elise.