10 Epic Gifs Of Rally Drifts And Jumps In The Snow
Rallying is spectacular on every kind of surface, but there is something special about watching drivers sliding around, jumping and drifting in the snow!

1. Insane slide

2. Kicking up the snow

3. Jumping on ice

4. Drifting and jumping

5. High-speed drift

6. Unbelievable onboard

7. Hairpin turn

8. Hit a snow bank? No problem...

9. Cloud of snow

10. Big air

Don’t mean to be overly pedantic, but all of these points apply to other loose rally surfaces, too. Cloud of snow? What about a cloud of gravel and dust? Drifts, jumps and hairpin turns? Can be done equally spectacularly even on tarmac (of course not with the less powerful racecars, but you get the point). The only valid point I see is hitting a snowbank, which you can almost never do otherwise.
Dat hairpin tho!!!
That’s the best of all.
Anyone notice how all of these are AWD?
Better version of the Subaru one
That subie be like, “Swiggity swooty, I’m coming for that booty.”
If only Bernie Ecclestone would watch all these…
So much balls we could open a football stadium