10 Quick Car Insurance Tips

Car insurance can be a costly expense. Making the decision of who to be insured by can be difficult, but with the amount of competition around insurers, they need to make the cost of premiums attractive.

Car insurance can be a costly expense. Making the decision of who to be insured by can be difficult, but with the amount of competition around insurers, they need to make the cost of premiums attractive. There are certain actions you can take to significantly reduce the cost of your car insurance premium.

In order to make big savings on car insurance follow these 10 simple steps:

  • Build up your no claims bonus; this can result in massive discounts in the future. No claims discounts can eventually lead to a saving of up to 70%, depending on who you are insured with
  • Increase your voluntary excess limit, the higher this is the lower your premium will be
  • Choose fully comprehensive insurance, this means that even if you cause damage to your own vehicle your insurer will help with the cost. Whilst third party / third party, fire and theft insurance can seem attractive at first it may not work out to be the cheapest cover if you do have an incident where you need to claim
  • Opt to have ‘named driver’ insurance. This will reduce your premium
  • If possible choose to cap your mileage, making sure you are accurate in your estimation of how many miles you will cover though. An incorrect number could result in void insurance
  • If you really want to save money choose a car with a small an engine as possible. This is especially relevant if you only drive occasionally or only cover short distances
  • If you have recently passed your driving test enquire about completing a Pass Plus course, this can reduce your premium by up to 10% as well as giving you extra confidence in your ability as a new driver
  • Parking your car in your garage or on your drive can also lead to reducing the cost of your insurance
  • Fitting an immobilizer or alarm to your vehicle is welcomed by insurers and will work in your favour. Your insurer will see you as less of a risk
  • If possible pay for your insurance in a lump sum rather than monthly, this way your insurer will not be tempted to charge you more

For more handy tips on saving money on your car insurance visit moneysupermarket.com where a host of money saving guides for new drivers, young drivers, women’s insurance, sports car insurance are available.

This post was brought to you by MoneySupermarket.com

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