10 Reasons Why Girl Petrolheads Are Better Than Guy Petrolheads

1. We can read directions

Ladies, we like to do our research ahead of time. This is one serious flaw with the male mind. They simply can’t look up instructions or follow directions of any kind without bruising their ego. It may be something as simple as a diagram on how to hook up something in our car, but we’re going to read every word of the instructions before getting involved. While this takes a little more time up front, we enjoy knowing we did an install correct the first time.
2. We have a better memory

The age old battle over the better sense of direction goes to the ladies. We always knew we could navigate better than men, but now we know why. Women have a better ability to pick up on seemingly insignificant landmarks while driving, and can hold that memory longer. This make us less likely to wind up lost on common roads and better at memorising track details when it’s race time.
3. We are smarter

We didn’t need a study to know that girls are smarter than guys, but a recent global study of IQ tests performed by Columbia University and the University of Georgia proves our point. Women consistently scored higher on IQ tests than men. Researchers have found that women are better at acquiring and retaining knowledge. We are fast learners, and we can easily perform a task we have seen demonstrated only once. This means we have an easier time fixing or modifying our rides after watching a quick tutorial. Once we have done the job once, we have no problem remembering it for the future.
4. We have a stronger emotional bond with our cars

Even though guys have a bond with their cars, our bonds go much deeper. We name our cars, we take them out for special one-on-one drives and we talk to them about everything. We go through every emotion in our car, talking to it about our own problems or encouraging it to make a good trip. Then, just like proud mothers, we take pictures…..lots of pictures. It doesn’t matter if we spot a scenic background, if we just washed our car or if we’re just having a ‘good car day’, we won’t hesitate to drop everything, get down low and snap a series of perfect shots.
5. We show more attention to detail

In the automotive industry, women are preferred over men for inspection during manufacturing and electronics installation and repair. This all comes from our ability to pay attention to small details. We are quick to notice small changes occurring in our own cars, often diagnosing and solving a problem before it turns into a major repair. Women are also better at seeing how the small details contribute to the ‘big picture.’ This makes us better at understanding wiring diagrams and hunting down any related problems.
6. We manage our money better

You may have heard the phrase, “Women are recession proof.” It comes from the fact that women are far more likely to keep a steady income than men during the same economic blunders. Some argue that it is because women hold more stable jobs in fields like nursing and teaching, but our financial abilities go further than that.
Women are better at saving and planning for the future. We are better at setting a goal for our money and reaching it, which comes in especially handy for upgrading our rides. Since we also like to research before buying, we often spend less money and receive higher quality parts.
7. We are better drivers

Overall, women have the lower auto insurance rates between the two sexes. This is because men are nearly three times as likely to be involved in a serious accident. Women are better at interpreting multiple scenarios at once, giving us a better foresight of what road dangers may be forming around us. We are also more prone to follow traffic laws and less likely to be involved in a high speed wreck.
8. We handle stress better

Nature loves us, what can we say? Women remain more calm than men under high pressure situations because we secrete more oxytocin. This allows us to drive through chaotic traffic without coming unhinged or making errors. Yes, we still feel that heightened road rage boiling in our blood, but the oxytocin helps us to keep our decision making skills on point.
9. We baby our cars

Blame it on the evolution of the domestic housewife if you wish, but women can keep nicer, cleaner cars. Multiple global studies have shown that women keep tidier homes, workplaces and cars than men. Part of the reason is that we are more fearful of harmful germs in our personal area. When it comes time to clean our rides, we go all out. We don’t just vacuum and wipe; we clean everything from top to bottom. When it comes to keeping the engine in top shape, we’ve got guys beat there, too. We don’t feel the need to blast off from every traffic signal or battle our mates with revving engines. There is a time and a place for opening it up, and we do it in moderation.
10. We live longer

It’s a low blow, but there you have it. Around the world, women live on average five to ten years longer than men. We win this one with so many more years to enjoy our passion for driving.
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