10 Ways Petrolheads Around The World Prepare For Winter
Winter is coming. And because snow season is on its way, we thought it best to show you how petrolheads around the world are preparing...

We all try to make our miserable winter steelies look pretty

Meanwhile, convertible owners say goodbye to the summer by putting their hard tops on

We know that this winter, the salt truck will be our enemy

After a night of heavy snow fall, our faces when we see an empty parking lot look like this...

RWD owners go sideways at every possible opportunity

For our FWD brothers, things are slightly different

For Quattro owners, winter is (s)no(w) big deal...

...except when they try to drift

As temperatures drop, some Volvo drivers turn to alternative solutions to keep the cabin warm

But at the end of the day, boost season is boost season. Come at us, winter!

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