11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

The worst thing that can happen when you love cars is wrecking your pride and joy or having it stolen, but either way the feelings of sadness and shame afterwards are very much the same
11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

That feeling when you're stood looking at your wrecked car by the side of the road

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

Or when you walk back to your car and you realise it's been stolen

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

You randomly break out in tears when you realise you'll never see it again

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When your mate thinks enough time has passed to joke about it

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When you walk outside and see the space where your car used to be

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When you see the guy who took it, and you're feeling brave

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When you're walking down the street and see an identical model

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When you look closely to see if it's wearing any parts stolen from your car

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

When the cops call to say they've found your car...

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

...but it's been stripped for parts

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

Then you come to terms with your loss, and the excitement of finding a new ride begins

11 Gifs That Sum Up What It’s Like To Get Your Car Wrecked Or Stolen

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