12 Funny Ways You React To These Situations As A Petrolhead
Whether you're selling your car, modding your ride or having a 'friendly' chat with a cop who just pulled you over, you'll all react like this!

1. When you sell your car and the buyer constantly low-balls you

2. When someone is talking about an MR2

3. When petrol fell below £1.20 per litre last week!

4. When a friend says he's going to make a living as a car photographer

5. When CT shared your post on Facebook

6. When you install a subwoofer in your boot

7. When a cop pulls you over after you 'lost control' in a roundabout

8. When you drain your oil and stare at the flow for 20 minutes

9. When your buddy doesn't believe his wheel bearings need changing

10. When you sell your MX-5 and the buyer wants to inspect the wheel arches

11. When someone says there is more to life than cars

12. When you've been fighting with a seized bolt for over an hour

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