12 Silly Things Everyone Who's Driven A Car Can Relate To
Owning a car isn't like owning any other inanimate object. We bond with our cars and relationships grow, so it's not surprise we grow some habits with our rides that are often weird, but totally relatable!

1. Made race car sounds while cruising around town

2. Stared straight ahead to avoid eye contact after doing something stupid

3. Driven away weeping after selling a car you regret ditching

4. Been stupidly happy to get the fuel pump to a round number

6. Matched the wipers to the beat of the music

7. Checked out your reflection in windows and tankers

8. Given your car positive reinforcement when it makes it out of a tricky situation

9. Driven the racing line when the road is empty

10. Tested the range of your keys, a game that never gets old

11. Tried to hide your inner rage when the light turns red just for you

12. Heard a bad noise from your car, then pretended not to have heard it

When the light goes red for me I just take it as an opportunity to do a nice acceleration run
Also… pretend to drive an automatic car like it was manual… ( i hope im not the only one)
I have a slap stick auto. So I can pretend fairly well :P
Or actually driving your auto as a clutchless manual #tiptronic4LYFE
I remember using the gear locks to make it feel like a manual hahaha.
L->2->D and holding the gear in 2nd to go through awesome back roads quickly instead of having auto shift 2nd to 4th haha
There was a guy i knew who would let of the gas briefly when the transmision shifted
The feeling when all the other automatic’s have a button called o/d but Subaru’s have one called “POWER” .!! LOL
The Mack one, im done XD
qualify other cars
My aggression in traffic depends on other people’s cars. I drive more carefully when I see cars that I like.
That Hamilton GIF is incredible
I think that red helmet belonged to Michael Schumacher
Like, only nine or ten for me…
The joyous feeling of a red light setting you up next to a nice car and instigating an impromptu race
Poetry! especially if they’re up for it..
I keep doing that to BMW drivers.. ! bin it off the light up to the speed limit and easy off, they fly past all over the road raging and and looking right into my eyes lolworthy.
When you are speeding on a road but then you freak out and swerve off because you see your mom driving in the opposite lane.
Naw, I just drive along side her and challenge her to a drag race ;)
Also, when a car stands next to you on the traffic lights, while everyone else is in a row behind you, prepare for a race. “You shall not pass (me)!”