35 Awesomely Inapropriate Cars From The World's Greatest Banger Rally

The 2014 Mongol Rally has just kicked off, with hundreds of teams from across the globe leaving the start line in London’s Battersea Park. Their destination? Ulaanbaatar, the capital of Mongolia. The route? However the hell you want to get there! If you’re first across the line, you’ve missed the point.
The idea of the rally is to take the most inappropriate car possible, with the organisers suggesting you find a car with an engine that’s less than 1.0-litre, and definitely not four-wheel drive. That means participants arrive in cars ranging from ingeniously-modified Nissan Micras to rusty Ford Fiestas and everything in between - this year’s field even includes a Ferrari 456. That guy is both brave and stupid, but he’s taken the ‘inappropriate car’ idea to new levels!
I took part in the rally last year, and I urge anyone who has ever considered it to take the plunge; it’ll be the best thing you ever do. The corrupt police of Ukraine and Russia, the hot and dusty deserts of Kazakhstan and the incredible mountains of Siberia, Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia are just a few of the incredible things you’ll encounter. You’ll make life-long friends and the countless, wonderful locals you’ll meet will restore your faith in humanity.
These guys are about to have the trip of a lifetime; check out some of their awesome rides in the gallery below!
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