5 Car Phrases That Non-Petrolheads Could Take Completely The Wrong Way
Sometimes a petrolhead's vernacular will seem totally alien to people who know nothing about cars - and sometimes you can give off very wrong, disturbing signals!

1. "I own an STI"

You’ve been saving up for ages to get that Scooby you’ve always wanted, but now the opposite sex won’t touch you. Is it something you said?
You like a bit of a sideways action, but be careful who you say this to because they might think you’re being crude.
3. "Do you wax?"

You know you’re just complimenting their shiny car, but they think you’re being a little too interested in their grooming habits.
4. "I've just ordered some skirts"

This one’s not such a problem for girls, but if you’re male it could raise a few eyebrows…
5. "Do you have an LSD?"

You’ve got to be careful with this one, as confusing limited-slip differentials with lysergic acid diethylamides could get you in a lot of trouble.
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