5 Drawbacks Of Being a Car Enthusiast
Being a car enthusiast is great. You feel universal carmaraderie (lol) among fellow enthusiasts, willing to share tales of car adventures, mechanical advice, culture, and basically all sorts of topics, hence, CarThrottle was born.
Being a car enthusiast is great. You feel universal carmaraderie (lol) among fellow enthusiasts, willing to share tales of car adventures, mechanical advice, culture, and basically all sorts of topics, hence, CarThrottle was born.
However, in everything, there is both a good and bad side of it. The light side, and the dark. The head, and the tail. Being a car enthusiast is no exception to this.
While car enthusiasm might just be the best “enthusiast” based cult figure, being the most friendly and least likely to harm others compared to other fanbases, here are 5 drawbacks that happens when you are a car enthusiast.
(DISCLAIMER: This may not apply to all people. This is merely a generalization.)
1. You Find Yourself Having A Constant Lack of Money

As you fuel your passion for cars as much as you fuel your car for journeys ahead, you will find that buying, maintaining and running the car will cost you much in your finances. Sure, vices and hobbies of any kind cost money too, but cars are among the most costly to maintain in a long-term plan compared to gaming, ball sports, art, and etc. Money is an essential element needed to fully satisfy your craving for car perfection, and most of the times, we aren’t so fortunate. Budget plans, saving money and doing overtime on jobs will no doubt help, but its always a struggle between maintaining both your car love and your financial stability.
2. The Law Does Not Approve Of Most Car Enthusiast Things

In our life as car enthusiast, we marvel at various hooligan actions of professional drivers, such as drifting, drag racing, track days, performance mods and sometimes risky street racing. Everything influences us in a way we want to try it on ourselves, because our enthusiast sense brings us to one common goal; fun. And most of the things that the “hoonigans” do are actually pretty damn fun, but its not always legal, and its even harder to do with police and strict motoring laws in the way.
To do a killer track day means having to modify your car to the point that it is illegal to drive on public roads due to various motoring laws it might go against. For professionals, this issue is not much of a problem because that’s your official career. If you are only an amateur, chances are, to bring your performance car to action can be a bit of a hassle especially if you’re the kind of person who wants to duke it out on the road.
And popular actions such as drifting or burnouts can be loads of fun, but usually it is hard to do in public due to the previously mentioned obstacles surrounding them, so, in a sense, our love for cars are largely inhibited by law. Personally, I think that’s not a bad thing. We are taught to be law abiding citizens, and its always said that there is a time and place for everything. And usually bad, soapy incidents happen when we do try to go against the law.
3. We Often Inhabit an Absolute Fanatic-like Mindset Towards Cars

As car enthusiasts, some of us soon harbor a certain level of contempt towards those who are not, and we often tend to act rather offended or angry when a “pleb” says something stupid about a car. We also tend to grab a rather unnecessarily borderline religious level of fanaticism to cars and famous car enthusiasts such as Jeremy Clarkson, Chris Harris, Marty and Moog from MCM for a few examples…
This sometimes generate flak and negative judgments from the scornful critics who call us out for that, only for us to respond with further vitriol. What we don’t know is that sometimes that just makes us the bad guy, not them. This is a rather fallacious mindset, because the ideal way is to educate and not “exterminate” car “plebians”.
4. The Want for All Things Cars Sometimes Becomes Dangerously Intense

We all have dreams and goals. And, associating with the previously mentioned gripes, we gain a certain level of lust for cars we obsess over, whether it be from childhood or because its a craving you want to fulfill in your heart. However, often times, dream cars and dream goals about cars can often be held back due to various elements that prohibit that in your environment, and often times you grow impatient and irritable due to frustration of being unable to scratch that car enthusiast’s itch. This can often lead to unnecessary risks and dangers that might harm you in some way or draw criticism to peers due to your irrational and desperate attempts to fulfill your desire for cars. There is a teaching that states that the beginning to the path of destruction is lust. And the lust for cars is no exception, and a passive struggle that most of the less fortunate car enthusiasts can probably relate to.
5. Your Family And Friends Might Not Understand Your Passion for Machines on Wheels

Family, well, there are some families where car enthusiasm is shared by everyone in it (blessed are those families and especially their children), but most likely there are cases where you have friends that simply don’t understand your love for cars and sometimes make fun of you for it. They think cars are only a “Point A to Point B” metal box on wheels, where speed is trivial and all that matters is getting there. They don’t decide to think deeper on how it can be a passion. We humans are all born with a spark of desire for passion, and eventually we get one, whether it be material or spiritual. Unfortunately in this day and age, its rare to find an open minded friend that is not a car enthusiast yet is cool about your sometimes irrational love for cars.
Thank you for reading this all the way! I hope to provide more content for you all in the future.
Thug Bird, out.
chirp chirp
Today's daily quota has been fulfilled. Yet another SUV into the collection.

#5 so true ! 😢
#3 seems pretty accurate
That last GIF - ROFLMFAO
1 and 3 are on point haha
Thug Pidgeon ahahahahaha
Well said bro, well said!
No.3 is so true. When i become a guy like that, i think “why would i do that ?” It’s like people see me as an Asshole.
But, i just can’t shut up when someone say wrong about car. :)
Have some pretty bad experiences with #2…
You rebel :P.
chirp chirp
Yeah dude, I know the feel bro. One time diarrhea struck while I was at work, nasty day. :(
Oi where’s the chirp chirp
OMG, I can’t believe I forgot about that. Editing.
chirp chirp
I have a constant lack of money, sadly it’s not because of my ride
This is so true it hurts.
My brother is a car enthausiast, my uncle is a car enthausiast, my friend is a car enthausiast, and another friend is aswell who also happens to be in a crew that exsists solely of Miatas, next to that, that crew was created via CTzen-ship… and well be with 7 Miatas at the end, all of which are NA Miatas, my mum and dad however? No…
chirp chirp