5 Reasons Why Petrol Prices Should Be Higher

Every petrolhead loves cheap gas. But what if I told you we’d be better off with expensive fuel?
5 Reasons Why Petrol Prices Should Be Higher

I take full responsibility for the bucketloads of hate I’m going to get over this article, especially since I’m writing this from the United States where petrol prices are currently averaging about $1.60 per gallon. If that’s not enough to hate me, know that I just did a 3000-mile road trip in a 255bhp Infiniti I35 and spent only about $170 in gas. For the record, yes that made me very happy.

That said, I had lots of time to think on that trip, and it brought me to a surprising conclusion. Lower petrol prices certainly help people in the short-term, but what about long-term? Obviously there’s the immediate benefit of having more cash in our pockets to spend, and lower transportation costs should mean lower prices for the goods we buy.

But I’ve yet to see those lower prices in stores, nor have I seen much of a change in airline fares. And as for that extra cash we save directly from lower pump prices, it somehow seems to get spent on trivial things anyway. So that begs the question - are we really better off with lower petrol prices? Short-term can be better if we’re smart with how we use the extra cash, but long-term we’re going to be worse off in many ways.

1. Oil is a finite resource

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Like it or not, some day there isn’t going to be any more oil. Whether that’s in 20 years or 200 years, the fact remains that oil will eventually be used up, and without oil there’s no petrol. Higher prices now will at least encourage more frugality, extending the supply while science figures out a way to ween us off this stuff.

2. Fewer cars on the road

5 Reasons Why Petrol Prices Should Be Higher

Higher petrol prices mean people drive less, carpool more, and that leads to fewer cars on the road. Now you can take this a couple different ways, the obvious being that fewer cars on the road creates less greenhouse gas emissions, letting us all breathe better while also saving the planet.

Given that this is a car site filled with people who love to spew emissions (myself included) let me paint this another way. Fewer cars on the road means less traffic, less traffic means fewer traffic jams and reduced congestion, and all of that means you can go faster and farther without all the road rage.

3. Leads to better engines

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

You know the awesome high-revving, small-displacement engines everyone loves? The first oil crisis back in the 1970s was a major catalyst in moving them forward. That’s not to say they didn’t exist prior, but the threat of limited oil supplies served to seriously kick start manufacturers into finding more efficient ways to make power. And yes, that also means you can thank high petrol prices for the widespread use of turbochargers we enjoy today.

4. Drives the demand for alternative / better fuel sources

Photo: Wikimedia Commons
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

As a fuel source for engines, petrol is terrible. The best gasoline engines generally have an efficiency rating of around 30 per cent. That means only 30 per cent of the total energy contained in the fuel is actually being used to generate useful power; the remaining 70 per cent is going to waste. As long as petrol is convenient and cheap, there won’t be much motivation to develop alternative fuel sources.

Meanwhile, electric motors operate at 90 per cent efficiency while producing more usable power in a much simpler design. If petrol prices get terrifically expensive, you can bet we’ll start seeing some rapid developments in electric power. That’s definitely not a bad thing for those of us who like to go fast.

5. Forces people to live smarter and leaner

5 Reasons Why Petrol Prices Should Be Higher

When petrol prices are high, people must adjust their entire lifestyle to compensate. I know it’s blasphemy to make such claims on a site devouted to the art of driving, but living a leaner lifestyle with constraints and budgets is a good thing - especially in the automotive world. In fact, such measures often lead to a better quality of life because the excess is stripped away, leaving people to focus on the things that really matter.

I’m getting way too philosophical here, so let me just try to sum it up like this: The original Star Wars movie was awesome because George Lucas had limited budgets and resources to work with. When those constraints disappeared with The Phantom Menace, the film was crap because Lucas lost sight of what mattered. Translated to cars, that means we drive a little less but enjoy our time behind the wheel even more. It means we don’t chuck our limited funds at massive stereo systems, but invest in upgraded suspension components or engine tweaks. This leaner-is-better concept is something I believe most people understand, but don’t necessarily want to accept as something that can make life - even car life - better.

That’s why I’m just fine with petrol prices going bonkers. It hurts in the short-term, but we’ll all be better off in the long run.

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“Leads to better engines” Looks at 1,2 TSI and 0.9 Tce engines…. Great engines…

Actually, the only problem that low prices cause is for countries which have oil reserves, and they make money from oil, they make less money.

02/06/2016 - 12:41 |
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H5SKB4RU (Returned to CT)

I we will have electric-hybrid cars so… Bye good cars

02/06/2016 - 12:45 |
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You get out of here with this foolishness! :))
But, no really. You must be having it pretty good for yourself. Your model does nothing else but further devide people. Consider there are millions of families struggling to get a vehicle in order to improve from living from week to week to month to month. Also there are people driving their cars so that they can afford paying for their cars, driving them and perform some magic with whatever is left in order to live. There are many places in the world where public transportation either sucks or is non existant. Or places where commuting with public transportation is more expensive than going on a luxurious vacation in some exotic islands. So any reduction in fuel prices is a great help to all of those people struggling to make ends meet and hopefully have something of a decent life. Meanwhile of course those lucky to be in the higher economic class of society don’t have to worry about such “trivial matters”, since they can easily afford expensive fuels… almost same goes for those few in the few countries where there is a middle class.
So, think again.
That being said the only valid points you’ve made are in regards to technology. Higher prices will force the industry to improve the technology and find better alternatives.

02/06/2016 - 13:06 |
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Please visit some countries other than America, then come back and apologize for this patronizing trash.

02/06/2016 - 13:14 |
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So are you trying to say, we need expensive gas, to stop living our petrolhead lives?

No mate, i don’t agree with you!

02/06/2016 - 13:15 |
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I work part time at minimum wage, I need gas this cheap or I’d never get anywhere

02/06/2016 - 13:22 |
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1-5: no. they shouldn’t.

02/06/2016 - 13:24 |
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I agree with the point, that people should use less fuel, but the fuel price alone won’t lead to that. See, if I have to go to a meeting, I have to go there, if I want to hit the road just for the fun of it, I don’t care if I have to spend 10 or 15 bucks in fuel.
I think what could really work to reduce cars and smog im cities, would be a city toll, that is calculated based in the “eco” ness of your car. The incoming money could be invested in EV infrastructure, P+R or public transport.I guess this could cut down smoke levels and fuel use at least around urban areas.

02/06/2016 - 13:24 |
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To be honest I heat the fact that soon we will drive in autonomous electric shitboxes like tesla. I hope that there will be enough oil left for my generation. That I don’t cat what will happen later

02/06/2016 - 13:35 |
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Is there a ban-function on Car Throttle…? :DDD bro… higher prices = less driving pleasure! so god no!! :D

02/06/2016 - 13:38 |
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