5 Ways To Spot A Petrolhead In Everyday Social Situations

1. Taking the racing line everywhere

Whether it’s in the office, at school or the supermarket, petrolheads will never meander. The racing line will be adhered to at all times.
2. Drifting supermarket trolleys

Speaking of supermarkets, you can always spot petrolheads because trolleys are the best drift weapons this side of a Nissan S-chassis, and no self-respecting car nut could resist kicking the back out on one of these beasts.
3. Comparing the stats on everything

People who like cars are often obsessed with stats, and more importantly comparing stats to find a winner. Find yourself in a group of strangers at a party, and the petrolhead is probably the guy who’s comparing the figures on two inanimate objects…
4. Braking from the passenger seat

Petrolheads hate it when other people drive. If you’re in the car with someone who’s going through the motions - mainly braking in quiet terror - they’re probably serious about driving.
5. Everything is a shifter

No matter what it is, even if it’s not shifter-shaped. If it’s by your side, it can become a shifter for the bored. Spot someone grabbing a television remote and absent-mindedly smashing through the gears, and you’ve found your secret petrolhead.
your almost correct
100 % acurate
Have you every tried drifting a trolley/cart in the snow? Feels so good
i always brake in other peoples cars :S also drifting shopping trolleys and taking that racing line is the only thing that kept me entertained during shopping trips every weekend as a lad
You forgot; Testing the trolley’s 1/4 mile time in the supermarket’s…
You mean standing AILE, HAH! Geddit? Kay.
drifted a shooping trolley once and crashed it into a pile of apples,#driftmissile
Still better than alex with phil
When I was young I tried to run and drift with a trolley. It flipped over, I broke my wrist and my mom was mad at me. 15 years later, I still drift at supermarket
That last one is me with every water bottle I touch
Me too! I even did it with an umbrella when I went to a soccer game.
I do that in my car because I have an automatic
Looking round when you hear a nice engine note
Me all day, i swear i should have whiplash by now
I tell whoever is talking to me to stop, until it is gone.
Everything except the microwave loo
6-everything disc-shaped is a steering wheel.