6 Reasons Why Not Passing Your Driving Test First Time Isn’t The End Of The World
There’s a lot of pressure on young drivers to pass the daunting practical test first time. It’s something I didn’t achieve, in my case it was third time lucky. But there’s nothing wrong with not passing first time. It’s not the end of the world at all. In fact, it has its positives.
Many driving lessons may be completed, but that still doesn’t mean you are fully prepared for all situations. During the test itself, you could experience a range of new things not attempted before. While you might not pass that time round, you’ll know what to do in those situations in the future, whether it’s in the next test or on the road as a fully-fledged driver.
2. Pick up small details
While doing more than one driving test isn’t the plan for anyone, it can help young drivers pick up and perfect small details that will make them safer when they do hit the roads for the first time. Whether it’s functions of the car or road etiquette, there’s always room for improvement.
Driving lessons and driving tests are very different things, clearly. While racking up the hours with a driving instructor is important, it’s difficult to really know just what to expect from the test itself and is obviously impossible to predict how it will go. Having to do the test again isn’t necessarily a bad thing and will mean you are better prepared.
4. Fewer nerves
The dreaded driving test is a nerve-racking thing. I remember being so, so anxious before my first attempt, but actually it wasn’t as bad as I thought (despite not passing it). I went into my next tests with much more confidence and fewer nerves, I knew what to expect and had learned what not to do. I felt much calmer and that really helped with my driving.
5. Safer in the long run
Practice makes perfect, is the famous phrase. Not passing your driving test first time doesn’t make you a bad driver. Not at all. And anyone who thinks so is ridiculous. In fact, some feel like it helps them in the long run and makes them a better, safer driver, as they have gone through more situations, gained more experience with instructors and examiners and had more time to know what to do and not what to do.
6. You’ll be even more determined
Failing a driving test is disappointing, but it will mean you are even more fired up and determined to pass next time round. People can go into the tests with too much confidence but after getting knocked down, you get up stronger than ever. It certainly made me concentrate and focus even more than I was before. But don’t forget, once you do pass, there are a few things you need to ‘unlearn‘!
What other thoughts do you have on this? Let us know in the comments!
I passed the second time. The first time I had a jerk as examinator. He said I drove too fast and didn’t check my mirrors good enough. Second time I had a nice examinator and passed because I was a quick and fluent driver.
i failed 1st time because instructor wanted me to pay him 20 euro
Not reading cuz i’m not afcukiing pleb
While failing the 1st time is not the end of the world don’t get to comfortable with it because you end up at a sort half way point were you can drive but you don’t have a license
I passed my driving test on my third attempt, and even though I was disappointed when I didn’t pass the first two times, i feel that it was for the better. If I had passed on my first attempt, I would have been a far worse driver than I am today. I’m not going to say that I’m the best, but at least I am confident enough where I don’t get into any fender-benders (in fact, I have never had an accident).
I passed my practical driving test on my second attempt.
By the time I was getting my UK licence I already was able to drive and had other driving licences, so I just studied the highway code and took 4 hours of training from a driving school.
I was planning to use my own car for the test, but I had an accident 3 days before the exam. Luckily, I could use a courtesy car (which was a not very good example of a Mini). I wasn’t used to any of the controls, e.g. it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to roll down the windows. Nevertheless, I took it to the exam and 30 minutes into it I had 0 mistakes. I was so relaxed and confident in my driving skills that I jumped yellow lights during the last minute of the exam… Got instant fail.
Second attempt I had my own car, passed with ease :)
I was told that teh test would take about 45min.
Mine took 23min (yes, I had a stopwatch running, wanting to see how fast I fail), and I’d passed.
One tiny mistake.
But we didn’t go on the autobahn, we didn’t do emergency-stopping, and only about 200m outside a residential area.
It took me 4 attempts to pass my driving test!
Though I should have passed the first…
i have my first test on 9th, this will help!
I passed aged 19 and almost flipped the car on day two of ownership