6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

We love four wheels at Car Throttle, but we know that two wheels have their own unique benefits. So here's why you should consider trading in your four-wheeled daily to buy yourself a motorcycle
6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

1. Quicker and more enjoyable commuting

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

Driving a high performance car on a technical and challenging road is certainly one of the greatest pleasures in life. Unfortunately, that cannot be said for the daily commute. No matter what car you drive, there is nothing enjoyable about sitting in start/stop traffic for hours on end. And even if you’re lucky enough to own something like a McLaren P1, once you hit traffic, your 903bhp counts for nothing.

This is where bikes come into their element. In the UK, where filtering (lane splitting) is legal, commuting into cities is an absolute breeze. On my local commute, switching from four wheels to two reduced my commuting time from over one hour to under 15 minutes. Knowing the fact that my bike was also cheaper and faster than using public transport was also incredibly satisfying.

Another benefit of reducing your commuting time is that you can experiment with new, and more exciting routes to work. And you can actually enjoy these routes to the full, because it is completely possible to use a superbike for the daily grind. Perhaps surprisingly, track-focused machines with their narrow bars and high seating positions are far better than heavier and wider touring bikes, which is a little bit like a GT3RS being more practical than a Mini. Brilliant!

2. More Affordable

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

Being a petrolhead can be as frustrating as it is rewarding. For example, I guarantee that if you ask anyone what car they would buy if they won the lottery, they wouldn’t be able to give you just one answer. Instead, you’ll hear a comprehensive list of vehicles that they would need for separate occasions.

Unfortunately, for most of us, these lists are a pipe dream. And, let’s face it, buying even one of our dream cars would probably take years of sacrifice and serious saving. Bikes on the other hand are a much more realistic prospect; on value alone, two wheels will always beat four. For example, the fastest, and arguably most technically advanced motorcycle currently on sale, the Kawasaki H2, costs less than a base-spec VW Golf GT.

And if you’re talking about seriously cheap bang for your buck, then you can pick up any number of 186mph (300kph) GSX-R1000 K2s for less than £3000.

3. Faster in the real world

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

The age old argument of which is faster, two or four wheels, will always be a bone of contention between the car and bike community. But in the real world, two wheeled machines are the clear winners.

On a country road, a superbike like the BMW S1000RR will tear most road cars to shreds. Granted, something like a Radical SR8 LM will be able to carry more corner speed due to its four sticky tyres and significant downforce, but as soon you catch the first slow-moving vehicle on the road, the bike will have overtaken and cleared off into the horizon. Also keep in mind that cheapest Radical on sale would cost you north of £50,000.

4. Cheaper to run

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

Owning a performance car is a highly rewarding experience, but it does come with its downsides. If you’re young, your insurance is most likely going to be high, your fuel bill will probably keep you up at night, and if you’re unlucky enough to live in the UK, you’ll probably have spent a small fortune on road tax.

However these problems are not so apparent on two wheels. Insurance is significantly less (because you’re more likely to only hurt yourself rather than anyone around you) and even on a fire breathing superbike like the BMW S1000RR, you’re likely to see a more than reasonable 35mpg. On two wheels, your biggest expense will be tyres, which you can get through in less than two thousand miles of use if you’re really trying.

5. Track Days

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

We recommend that if you have the time and money, you should definitely book a track day. They’re great fun and allow you to get a feel for the limit of your car in a safe and controlled environment. However, please be warned that if you do take your car onto track, it will put the vehicle under an immense amount of strain. In addition, your standard ride will probably be unsuitable for track work straight out of the box. Even high performance cars like the BMW M3 can struggle…

Modern performance bikes on the other hand are good to go straight from the factory. For example, the Honda CBR1000RR that Michael Dunlop rode to victory in the 2013 Superstock TT (achieving a scarcely believable 131mph lap on the way) had practically just rolled out of the showroom. And unlike gimmicky gadgets like the Porsche Sport Chrono stopwatch, superbikes like the Yamaha YZF-R1M feature fully functioning data logging which allows you to dissect your lap times and thus help you go faster.

6. A Never Ending Challenge

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

Improving your driving skills can be a lifelong quest for perfection, but improving your riding technique is even more challenging. For example, one of the greatest motorcycle racers of all time, Valentino Rossi had to go back to the drawing board when young Spaniard Marc Márquez entered the Moto GP championship back in 2013.

Márquez with his wild riding style started to steer the bike using the rear wheel, and used an unconventional elbow down style to carry high corner speed. This was at odds with the ‘wheels in line’ riding style that the other riders had adopted after years on the 800cc GP bikes. After Márquez dominated the championship at his first attempt, all the top riders, Valentino included, started to adapt their riding style, using more lean angle and being far more aggressive with the bike.

Now this might seem like it doesn’t have any relevance to day-to-day riding, but what it shows is that even if the top riders in the world can be ‘schooled’, then so can you. Learning how to improve your riding is a never-ending challenge and it just so happens to make biking seriously addictive.

So CTzens, have I convinced anyone to consider the two-wheeled life?

6 Reasons Why You Should Ditch Your Daily And Buy A Bike

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Who needs a car when winter can’t even catch you :p

12/22/2015 - 17:23 |
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Antonio (Boost Nation)

i have only one problem with a bike …. ahem..

12/22/2015 - 17:54 |
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faster in the real world…. pff can’t remember a bike ever been able to keep up with my stock volvo 740gl during the winter, and i bet a bike is more expencive as well if i want something with more than a 125cc engine, don’t think walking half the year only to have a little more fun during summer is worth it, #winterwonderland master race xD #DK #Snow

12/22/2015 - 17:59 |
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Nick danca

I have two wheels not four but i live i snow land im going to have backup transport for the bad day

12/22/2015 - 19:02 |
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Jordi Castelar Ortega

I ride mine to work everyday on city and it’s not so fantastic.
Here are 6 reasons:
-It’s dangerous, and even more if you go through city traffic as I do
-You get freaking cold even with good equipment and very hot on summer
-If it rains or snows or whatever, you will suffer
-Helmet ruins your hair (and that’s top hair and beard hair)
-You breathe a ton of dirty air from other vehicles
-To do it right you should wear all the gear necessary, wich takes time, money and is uncomfortable

The only reason for me to ride a bike in the city as a commute is the money I save on gasoline and parking. If I could buy an electric car and park for free I would totally do it.

12/22/2015 - 19:19 |
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There’s a reason I didn’t add the “Bikes” community to my feed, but low and behold that filth finds its way onto my feed… Please change the category!

12/22/2015 - 19:41 |
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Best time to get a bike or more entertaining summer car is the winter both have a reduced entry cost in the winter. Bikes on average up to 2000 cheaper in the winter. Food for thought.

12/22/2015 - 20:30 |
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Drive a R all day and all night and still alive so it’s a nice way to save money for parts haha

12/22/2015 - 20:48 |
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Manual Transmission

4 wheels =2 balls 2 wheels = 1.5 ball

12/22/2015 - 23:10 |
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I’m definitely looking to invest in a bike but I’m not at all looking to ditch my daily. Definitely some good reasons though.

12/22/2015 - 23:59 |
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