7 Of The Quirkiest Vehicles You Can Find In The Car Throttle Garage

1. 2004 Toyota Forklift Truck

Described by uploader Chris Young as “6420kg of badass”, this is easily one of the most useful pieces of machinery in the Car Throttle Garage.
2. Kamaz 5350

Forklift not quite practical enough? Get a load of this ex-Kazakhstan military six-wheeled Kamaz truck. This nine-tonne beastie is a communications truck, packing a whopping 13-litre V8 diesel engine. It was parked in the CT Garage by LaContra, whom unfortunately had to sell the truck and abandon his plans to build an off-road expedition vehicle when refused an export license from Kazakhstan.
3. Stanced Rover 45

Of all the cars to give a colossal suspension drop, the pipe-and-slippers Rover 45 is one of the most brilliantly bizarre vehicles to choose. This car is the work of Robin Oliver Bartlett, and it features a plethora of mods including coilover suspension, piper cams and - best of all - a classic ‘AA’ badge on the grille.
4. Hako Rasentrac lawn mower

Yep, believe it or not, there’s a German lawn mower in the CT Garage. Parked by Christopher Macht, this Hako Rasentrac has its mowing system removed. Why? Weight reduction, of course…
5. 'Mercedes-Benz' T500

While we’re on the subject of lawn mowers, Emir Tal has uploaded this beauty to the CT Garage. It’s christened as a Mercedes-Benz (it’s even rocking a three-pointed star on the front) and apparently has a top speed of 30mph. Which must be absolutely terrifying.
6. Fiat 126

A tiny Fiat powered by a 24bhp 700cc twin-cylinder engine doesn’t sound like something that has the makings of a particularly CT car, but Chris Donkersloot’s 126 is most certainly an object of petrolhead lust. This particular example sits on lowered leaf springs, and has a twin-exit Abarth exhaust.
7. VW Polo Harlequin

Close to 4000 of these colourful limited-edition Mk3 Polos were made, but they’re a rare sight on today’s roads. Josh Robson’s 1996 example looks to be in stunning condition.
Have an awesome ride you want to show to the world? Head along to the CT Garage and get uploading!
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