7 Reasons Classic Cars Are Better Than Modern Cars
The ying always has it’s yang, so it is with classic cars and modern cars. I like both modern and classic cars, both have great things to offer. To those who hate old cars, here is the case for why classic cars are the bee’s knees.
ONE Simplicity.

The ying always has it’s yang, so it is with classic cars and modern cars. I like both modern and classic cars, both have great things to offer. To those who hate old cars, here is the case for why classic cars are the bee’s knees.
ONE Simplicity.
Classic cars are simple, most of them aren’t needlessly complicated like most modern cars. Some modern cars have dozens of buttons that confuse and bewilder, but not classic cars. They’re easy to work on, there’s room for activities and no computers and complicated wiring to play with. Because of this, classic cars make great project cars so you can get under the hood and start tinkering.

TWO Classic cars are usually lighter and smaller than modern cars.
Many cars have grown quite a lot over the years. Since it’s inception, the Mini has nearly doubled in weight, the VW Golf has grown by about 500mm in length and the Porsche 911 has gotten about 100 mm wider. It is a widely accepted fact that lighter sports cars are better sports cars. If that’s the case, then maybe classic sports cars aren’t so bad after all.

THREE No driving aids.
No, I’m not talking about the STD, I’m talking about things like traction control, stability control and anti lock brakes. Granted, these are helpful to n00b drivers, but car guys aren’t n00b drivers (most of the time). These driver aids get in the way of fully enjoying your car. We don’t want the car telling us how to drive, if we want to drift, do handbrake turns and do burnouts, we shouldn’t be held back. We want complete control of the car, even if it kills us. Besides, there are no airbags here, we die like men.

FOUR Classic cars can make you a better driver
Because there are no driver aids in classic cars, you are forced in a way to become a better driver or crash. You need to learn threshold braking, throttle control and how to correct understeer and oversteer. This is all because there are no drivers aids in classic cars to save your rear if you mess up. It’s just you and the car, with each entity requiring respect from the other.

FIVE Classic cars are cool and they get attention.
Say you’re at a car meet and two cars show up at the same time and park next to each other. One is a brand new Chevy Corvette and the other one is a a 1965 Chevy Corvette that’s been beautifully restored. Which one do you think will get more attention? 9 times out of 10, the classic Corvette will have more people crowding around it. There’s just something about classic cars that’s just inherently awesome.

SIX An unfiltered driving experience.
Modern cars tend to isolate the driver from the driving experience with sound insulation, vague and numb steering, and un involving driving dynamics. Classic cars are #nofilter, you have no power steering, brakes or clutch, little to no sound insulation and no electronic nannies. The smell of burned hydrocarbons is a sensation enjoyed by car enthusiasts a plenty. Driving a classic car is the purest form of driving, an activity that all car guys crave and love doing, it’s what makes each and every one of us a petrolhead.

Awesome! Thanks for making this :)
I made a post about why modern cars are better than classic cars, so why not make this?
We die like men,,, bro i would add styling as well in the list. Old cars are beautifully designed with pillar less doors and sexy curves
i love the syling on the corvette c3 fenders. they are soo good
Great article. See Chad you do some things that don’t make everyone mad 😜
Only thing is, there’s no OBDII to tell me what part failed this time.
I hate computers since there’s little you can change without throwing a code but OBD really comes in handy.
I sure wish I had OBD-II… I have OBD-I, which means no one has scanners that work with my car!
another simple concept that hones your work on cars, the obd ll is like cheating where as on a classic you learn to find the problem yourself, like listening to the engine to determine air/fuel mixture or for a noise that shouldn’t be there.
As a classic car driver, I can completely agree with this post 👍👍
A post after my heart
How long does it take for a car to become a classic?
generally that have to be at least 20 years old
In my brain is 30 years, but in California, it’s 25.
Couldnt agree more🙌
Nice article, but I will disagree with you.
I prefer classic cars over the new, but new cars are so much better at being a car. They are easier to live with. Their safety is the other universe compared to classic cars. They will care about you all the time with driving aids, they will hug you with nice and comfortable seats…
But, after all, i would like some nice steel blue Bmw 3.0 CS :)
I wrote an article talking about why modern cars are better yesterday