7 Off-Roading Crashes That'll Make You Wince
Off-roading is proof that you don't need to be going quickly to have fun! Sometimes, however, off-roading does lead to torn axles and serious roof time...

You're dumped!

I'm the king of the...NOPE!

You didn't want your front axle, did you?

Actions have consequences

That's enough off-roading for today...

20-0 real quick

Speed is your enemy when off-roading

For the 2nd one, he just wanted to see if he was part of the takata recall;)
If you dont know the airbag went off. I watched the full video;)
Wince? You mean winch…on a tow truck.
Came here just for this.
Damn you, I was going to make that joke!
Third one, wow that guy on the back has cat-lile reflexes
The Jeep in the first one be like.
*speed is your friend when off-roading
I’m still trying to figure out what the guy in the 4th one did to get out? 😂
thats whats troubling me too… i mean how the f? :D
The poor guy in the 3rd. If he had a competent tower that would not have happened.
Extreme downhill Barbie Jeep Racing has got to be one of THE BEST (non-motor)sports ever invented…
Did you notice how in the 4th video the Uaz hit the lada with great speed and the lada has barely any damage…
In #7 the guy in the pink Jeep must be off-road Stig…I mean look at that control