8 Life Lessons You'll Learn From Working On Your Car

1. Patience and persistence

As everyone knows, working on cars always takes longer than anticipated. Because of this, people who wrench at home quickly learn to stay level-headed and never to give up on the job.
Of course, the biggest test for any petrolhead is waiting for car parts.
2. Hard work pays off

There’s nothing like the sense of accomplishment you get after you’ve fixed something with your own hands. Sure, you might not have the fanciest paint job, the shiniest valve covers or the loudest exhaust, but you know how to keep your car sweet. While your friends will brag about the work they get done at their local auto shop, you’re beaming inside with the sense of pride that is well deserved.
3. Real friends are invaluable

Everyone wants to be your friend when you’re rolling through town in a sporty new car, but where do they go when it breaks down? Invite your mates over for a party, and you’ll get a huge response. But tell them that you need help swapping out your transmission, and only the best few will come through for you.
Real friends are there for each other through the good and the bad.
4. Ingenuity goes a long way!

When you’re broken down in the middle of nowhere with zero mobile phone coverage and no tools to hand, you’ve got to think fast. That’s where an inventive mind, some duct tape and cable ties (pre-requisites in any petrolhead’s boot) come into play. All those car repair hack videos and articles will help you out of a tight spot, so go ahead and cable tie it, tape it or bolt it together with whatever materials you have at your disposal.
5. Respect those who deserve it

After the time and effort it’s taken to modify your car, you’ve learnt to show others that you respect their mods, even though you might not like what they’ve done. No matter if your fellow petrolhead is a novice or an experienced mechanic, it’s important to show respect for someone who shares the same passion, and help teach those who are still learning.
6. Don't believe everything you hear

There are trolls everywhere. They come in the form of some random guy on the internet or someone you know. From working on your car, you’ve learned to research multiple sources before taking anyone’s advice, otherwise we’d all be topping off our headlight fluid and greasing our brake pads.
7. Organisation and cleanliness are key to your sanity

Organisation and cleanliness are crucial when it comes to working on your car. Nothing is more irritating than having the parts you need for a project, then realising you can’t find the right tool. A misplaced socket can turn a fun few hours into a tool hunt, so keeping your toolbox organised will help the work go smoothly. Keeping a clean engine will also help you spot leaks and other possible signs of trouble.
8. Modesty never hurt anyone!

Everyone has started a project that was more work than they expected. Taking on complicated repairs or upgrades can lead to serious disappointment when left unfinished, which is why decent petrolheads already know to take a modest approach when it comes to their cars. We would much rather have a functional ride that performs well than an exaggerated body kit on a car that doesn’t need it, right?
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