The 8 Most Badass Military Vehicles According To You


Since the MZKT-79221’s primary role is to carry and - if required - launch RT-2PM2 Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missiles, it’s something we rather hope never gets used in anger. Since it hasn’t just yet, though, we’ll happily admire the suitably imposing way this 16-wheeled, all-terrain monster carries itself. And the bloody big missile on its roof.
Aardvark JSFU

What we have here is a badass vehicle, operated by badass people. Why? Because the job of whoever’s in the cabin is to drive over land mines. The JSFU or Joint Service Flail Unit has 72 chains which are spun around to detonate any pesky land mines in its path.
Chenowth Light Strike Vehicle

Like the HDT Storm SRTV on the previous list, this thing is all about getting in fast, doing the job, and getting the hell out as quick as possible. What the LSV lacks in armour, it makes up for in speed and terrain-bashing ability.
Built by Chenowth, the most recent versions are powered by a 160bhp engine, and can be carried aboard a CH-47 Chinook or CH-53 helicopter. Most have M60 machine guns mounted, but there’s also the option of having a TOW launcher, or - if you fancy - a pair of AT4 anti-tank launchers.
ZSU-23-4 'Shilka'

At first glance you might think that this is a tank - barring it from our original entry restrictions - but the Shilka is actually a mobile anti-aircraft platform. The 19-tonne Russian vehicle has been built since 1962, and has four 23mm, water-cooled autocanons which are capable of firing a combined 4000 rounds a minute.
Trojan Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers

While this probably looks like the most menacing thing here, the Trojan AVRE is actually more about practicality and versatility. Based on a Challenger 2 tank chassis, it carries a load of fascine at the rear for shoring things up or filling ditches, has a hydraulic excavator arm, and a plough at the front for clearing mines. It can also tow a ‘Python’ trailer, which shoots out a rocket dragging an explosive-laden hose, which falls to the earth and clears a six-metre wide, 200-metre long path through whatever pesky mine field is in your way.
Land Rover Defender

There may be scarier and more imposing military vehicles than the Defender, but it certainly deserves a place here. It’s served militaries the world over since the 1950s, in countless different roles.
It’s ended up with a somewhat underserved legacy, however, thanks to a series of widely reported fatalities aboard the Defender 110-based Snatch Land Rover variety, which didn’t have sufficient protection for its occupants against roadside bombs and rocket attacks in Iraq and Afghanistan.
This wasn’t the Snatch’s fault, however: it was brought into conflicts and situations it simply wasn’t designed for. It was actually developed with the British Army’s Northern Ireland operations in mind, offering protection from small arms fire but not a whole lot else. It’s been largely replaced by Mine-Resistant Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicles.
Mercedes G-Wagen

It may not have been around quite as long as the Defender, but the military versions of the G-Wagen have still served many countries in myriad roles. Our favourite? The 6x6 version, obviously…

Like all good MRAPs, the Buffalo features a V-shaped hull to help deflect the force of IED blasts, plus thick armour (six inches). However, it also has a variety of things to stop it from hitting roadside bombs in the first place: it can detect explosive devices using infrared technology, and has a 30-foot robotic arm to disable anything dangerous up ahead.
As anyone who has played Arma knows, ZU-23 is the bane of the battlefield.
You’re dropping out the sky before you can even lock it
What? No Unimog?
Sorry, couldn’t resist
After recently running a list of some of the most ‘badass’ land-based, non-tank military vehicles in existence,[…]
Sry, no Volvos allowed.
No humvee?
It’s on the previous list!
That was in the original post…
Hind in the air, Shilka on the ground, no capitalists around. Obviously.
Read it with heavy Russian accent. Still laughing.
Choo choo motherf*cker
The 31.5 in Scherwer Gustav railroad gun. I’m surprised that it didn’t make the list.
Since there is a Land Rover on here, here’s another Land Rover that probably hasn’t been heard of. This is a Land Rover Centaur, and it’s the halftrack version of the Defender and was used for all kinds of things like AA, and AT work.
It gets bonus points for its incredibly appropriate name!,
Can i ask whats the point of a Half Track? I know it have a nice cross country ability but why not making entirely by tracks anyway? the speed does not change that mutch, and thanks to the wheel on the front it can turn winhout moving forward or backwards
I’ll just leave this here
Have you never seen this beast for destoying mines?
Kinda like the JSFU but scarier looking
I don’t think that those fire extinguishers on the MZKT are very useful…