8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 isn’t in the greatest health and there are talks of 'big changes' being needed, but some small modifications to the rules could be really good for the sport - let the nit-picking commence!
8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

1. No more stub noses

Image source: Ferrari
Image source: Ferrari

Sure, the nose designs are what they are due to the beneficial impact they have on aerodynamics, but the cars just look damn odd with them! The stubs are not quite as bad as 2014, but still…

2. Cutting ticket prices

Image source: Williams
Image source: Williams

In the grand scheme of things, trimming down the ticket prices at the majority of race events is actually quite a small change and one that would definitely impact the fans and the turn-out.

3. Front tyre width increase

Image source: Pirelli
Image source: Pirelli

In general the tyres are set to increase in width in 2017, which is good. Overall cars are limited by the front tyres, especially at corner entry. Increasing the width would mean higher grip levels, quicker speeds and better braking, which could boost overtaking.

4. Social media interactivity

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 has made big leaps forward on the social media front over the last few years but there is still SO much to do. The sport doesn’t really seem to get what a great promotional tool it can be. Creating an official Facebook page would be a start, while broadening the range of content offered on its YouTube channel - not to mention enabling videos to be viewed from other websites, as is possible with pretty much every other motorsport channel - would also help to spread the word.

5. Bigger race numbers

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

It might just be me and my poor eyesight but the race numbers are far too small on the cars. They need to be big, bold and with individual designs (which is the case for some). It is tough to spot the numbers from trackside and is also tricky while viewing on television too. It is a tiny detail but one that would have a positive impact.

6. Free helmet design

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

Yes, bring back the freedom to change-up helmet designs mid-season. For 2015 a new rule was put in place meaning drivers couldn’t drastically change helmet liveries, cutting off the chance to use special one-off designs. Some of these really were awesome and it would be great to have that creative freedom back.

7. Fancy camera angles

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

F1 doesn’t have enough fancy camera angles. There is a lot of scope in this area and the sport has only just dipped its toes in the water. 180-degree cameras and visor cameras have all been tried out but fail to make regular appearances. And what about 360-degree views? Shaking things up and giving far more variety make viewing the action on TV much more exciting and engaging.

8. Upping fuel limits

8 Small Tweaks That Could Do F1 A Load Of Good

But, F1 has been going for a greener image recently, right? Well, yes. But do the engines really need to be quite so economical? Even upping the fuel and fuel flow limits by a small degree would allow for quicker cars, faster lap times, drivers pushing more and (maybe) slight noise changes too.

What small things would you bring in to help improve F1? Share your suggestions below!

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I have to say that I completely agree on these points. Also-

-Though it could be dangerous, I would like to see refueling return. If anything, it gives teams a lot more room for strategy in how they pit- do we start with a light fuel load and pay for it with a lengthy pit stop, or do we go with a full load and ensure that the stops are lightning-quick?

-While we’re on the subject, could we please increase the maximum amount of fuel allowable? There’s nothing that ruins the racing for me more than to hear the race engineer nanny their drivers to use less fuel, and generally seems to miss the point of Formula 1 as the most advanced racing series in the world. It’s supposed to be a spectacle, right?

-On the subject of Social Media- Put full races on YouTube with Monetization. Yep. You read that right. I live in California, and I don’t have too many options for watching the races- besides, if ads are running, FOM still gets money off of me watching it, and more people can be introduced to the sport through easy access. And, as the article put, cut the prices on the tickets, for crying out loud.

-Allow for “Customer teams” to exist again! By this, I mean that you should allow for smaller teams the option to purchase a complete car from one of the bigger teams. For example, under this system, Manor could ask Ferrari for a set of cars, and while they won’t be their 2016 chassis, there’s still been a ton of development with the 2015 car to keep it competitive. This would lower the cost for the smaller teams, and the bigger teams get to make some more money. (So you all know- In this instance, correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s my understanding that Manor are running Ferrari’s engine package from 2015, but in this instance, I’m talking about the entire car.)

-Give incentives for more manufacturers to get back in the sport. I miss seeing the likes of Toyota and BMW gracing the noses of the cars, and there’s been some speculation in the past of Audi getting into the game- I’d also like to see what they would do with this current engine formula, and indeed, whatever they may decide to do in the future.

02/28/2016 - 21:52 |
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Nanahira is my Waifu

I definitely want lower ticket prices.

The only reason I didn’t go watch the race in Mexico City last year was because I couldn’t afford a ticket.

02/28/2016 - 22:04 |
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Just kick Ecclestone out.

02/28/2016 - 22:08 |
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Things i feel would make F1 better, races with different meanings for example some short 1 hour races which are sprints and longer maybe 3 hour races which are about fuel consumption. they do need to also bring back refuelling since its one of the wonders of the world seeing an F1 car get 4 new tyres and refuelled in 9 seconds.

There is no reason for rules on how helmets should be designed, the drivers should be allowed a new helmet design every race if they so please. Car designs for teams should be similar but have key differences, the best example is the porsche LMGT cars which had different colour windscreen borders last season meaning both cars look identical but are still easy to tell apart, F1 cars should have different colour mirrors and tips so that they arent identical, this also means that helmets play less role vehicle identification.

More rule changes: Cars should be limited by horsepower only and be allowed to use different styles of engine to perform the same duty, bring back some difference in design other than stupid nose cones….

Another thing, small changes like things to the nose cone and other small things arent needed, they are petty rule changes so that F1 can say, look this year is different look at those drastic changes on the nose cones, Sack that! bring back vague rules about how much space the car needs to occupy and the height/width/length minimums and maximums and let different car designers play around with what they envisage.

When it comes to Fuel limits per car, why are they needed? F1 is a 1 hour sprint race covering a few hundred miles at maximum performance, the small advances in fuel economy in F1 have either been achieved already or will not matter. Fuel economy as i have said before is a vital factor of WEC since its endurance racing where pit stops matter.

Now the biggest pet peve for F1 is this: The tyres. What is the point of having tyres that are completely useless after 45 mins? it plays no role in the evolution of cars and for all that carbon dioxide the cars are saving is being put back into the planet by all the rubber that is getting ruined! Make the tyres last longer, make the races longer, make the cars different both in design and paint schemes, give the manufacturers ability to use initiative! F1 is turning into mid 2000’s LMP2 where everyone runs the same chassis rather than being the pioneer of racing and speed!

I was originally just going to write my opinion but im actually frustrated to the point of anger at how F1 has been allowed to slip so heavily into this sht storm. As soon as they moved to V8s i had a feeling it was going to start cutting down. They charge a tonne for tickets and provide even less entertainment, as my grandfather would say ‘’its bl**dy daylight robbery.

02/28/2016 - 22:10 |
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The comment about front tyres is largely false. The increase in rear tyre width in 2017 will make a lot more difference than an increase in front tyre width. It’ll allow them to tune the downforce and suspension more towards front end grip which will increase mid corner speed and also the corner exit speeds will be much much higher. All you’d really accomplish by increasing front tyre widths at this point without increasing the rears more is creating cars that are more tail happy, not more grippy.

02/28/2016 - 22:22 |
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Caleb Rhodes

Active aero, so you can run ridiculous wing in the corners but flatten it out on the straights to get more speed. Basically DRS that you can use anytime, and bigger and in more places. Also bring back ground effect.

02/28/2016 - 22:28 |
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I agree with every single point. Although not quite sure about cutting ticket prices since all F1 event are normally packed with viewers. And also changing design of car numbers: this is not nascar. But could work of course.
Btw, can’t wait for the new season to start!!

02/28/2016 - 22:50 |
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There were numbers on F1 cars?

02/28/2016 - 23:38 |
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Remove intake restrictor? Small tweak maybe smaller than 10cm :D

02/29/2016 - 00:08 |
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The regulations are a little ridiculous. Tyre limits, fuel consumption limits, aren’t there a certain number of engine limits? Like an engine has to last a few races? Or there are only X number of engine alotted per year?

Come on nobody cares about that stuff.

Engines have to last a race and that’s it, tyre limits are gone, fuel consumption put at max so they can do whatever they’d like. Want an anti-lag system? Go right ahead.

Make it fun! Make it exciting! I’ll bet you anything the average Formula 1 viewer doesn’t have a chart at home going anorak voice “oooooh this driver only went through 4.768 sets of tyres this race when the average was 4.798!” Nobody cares and numbers like that aren’t exciting.

What is exciting is ever faster lap times and noise levels.

There’s hardly any innovation in the sport anymore compared to the 70s or 80s.

02/29/2016 - 00:18 |
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yeh i always thought it was about making a car as quick as it can possibly go and always be trialing new technology

02/29/2016 - 00:27 |
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