9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

Most car guys would never confront a female car enthusiast with these questions or comments, but not everyone is so courteous...
9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

1. You just care about the aesthetics

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

Telling a female car enthusiast that she just cares about the looks of her car is just going to get you a blank stare in return. Aesthetics can be important to a car enthusiast whether you’re male or female, but everyone knows it’s whats under the bonnet that truly counts. So ask about that instead.

2. You're only here for the attention

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

It is true that there are females who drive certain cars merely for attention from the opposite sex, yet there are also males who do the same. Actually talk to the female about her car before you place her into that stereotype.

3. Ignore the female driver and ask her male friend questions

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

If she’s driving the car with a male passenger, don’t ignore her and ask her male friend about the car. More than likely it’s her car and she will know the answers to your inquiries.

4. Do you even race?

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

This question tends to be asked with a sneer. Maybe she does race, maybe she doesn’t; not everyone races and that’s okay. Simply by taking the ‘even’ out of the question will more than likely eliminate any backlash.

5. Who put that together for you?

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

Please do not assume that she doesn’t work on her own car. The majority of female car enthusiasts take pride in working in the garage - from oil changes to installing parts.

6. Oh! It's a manual! You've earned my respect

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

It’s not like females have to overcome obstacles to be able to drive a manual. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. This comment is just plain rude. People should accept the fact that some female car enthusiasts will drive manuals to avoid needless ‘surprise’.

7. Any derogatory comment about driving a stick

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

We’ve all heard derogatory comments about females driving a stick; there doesn’t need to be an example. Considering this, unless she is your close personal friend and doesn’t mind the comments, now might be a good time to stop these. Let’s move on.

8. Asking why he "lets" her drive that car

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

Even if they are in a committed relationship this is unacceptable at any time. She is her own person. It’s her own car. The end.

9. Is this your boyfriend's car?

9 Things You Should Never Say To A Female Petrolhead

I’m sure every female car enthusiast can relate to this one. In some way, shape, or form a female car enthusiast has encountered a male who has said this with a straight face. Don’t make the assumption that because of what the car is, it can’t possibly be hers.

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