9 Ways To Hypothetically Sabotage Someone's Car

If you're trying to think of creative ways to tamper with someone's car, then here are nine ways to hypothetically sabotage them. Warning: don't actually do these things!
9 Ways To Hypothetically Sabotage Someone's Car

Unscrew the floorpans...

Suggested by FeelXtra
Suggested by FeelXtra

“Unscrewing the floorpans creates a certain danger to manifold as far as I know…”

Loosen the oil nut...

Suggested by Dk_Roh34
Suggested by Dk_Roh34

“Loosen the oil nut and challenge them to a race. NFS has taught me many things.”

Swap the transmission...

Suggested by Martin B
Suggested by Martin B

“Secretly swap the manual gearbox for an automatic…”

Stance their car...

Suggested by Murican Ricer
Suggested by Murican Ricer

Unplug the fuel pump...

Suggested by Martin Bernath
Suggested by Martin Bernath

“Unplug the fuel pump. I don’t want to hurt the car.”

Swap first gear with reverse...

Suggested by Aris Mone
Suggested by Aris Mone

“Change the first gear to reverse!”

Weld the diff of a FWD car...

Suggested by On the Apex
Suggested by On the Apex

Swap it with a Prius...

Suggested by Car-mi-Car-zee
Suggested by Car-mi-Car-zee

Fill her up with diesel...

Suggested by John Carlos
Suggested by John Carlos

What else would you add to this list?

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If you got electricly controlable pedals, just switch wires, so they go in different order. Like break, clutch gas etc.

04/02/2016 - 12:39 |
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Pour powder sugar in theyr fuel tank.

04/02/2016 - 12:57 |
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I like to just disconnect the throttle cable on my friends aygo

04/02/2016 - 12:58 |
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Fin Jimbo

Put whipped cream on the drivers seat :D

04/02/2016 - 13:12 |
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GreatStuff in the fuel spout. Aaaaand wait. When they find out, it’ll be way too late.

04/02/2016 - 13:16 |
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Fouck hahaha

Cut all tires with a knife… more easy…

04/02/2016 - 13:39 |
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Slash 3 of them so it doesn’t get covered by their insurance.

04/02/2016 - 13:43 |
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Put some break fluid on the hood during a hot and sunny day.

04/02/2016 - 13:47 |
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Was this Cameron Taits way of sabotaging Car Throttle?
As it kinda worked. . . 👎🏼

04/02/2016 - 13:53 |
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replace blinker fluid with fuel

04/02/2016 - 13:53 |
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Puts sugar in the fuel

04/02/2016 - 13:59 |
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