What a great day that was ! Thanks to everyone for turning up, over 100 M cars turned up !
What a great day that was ! Thanks to everyone for turning up, over 100 M cars turned up !

What a great day that was ! Thanks to everyone for turning up, over 100 M cars turned up !
What a great day that was ! Thanks to everyone for turning up, over 100 M cars turned up !
Gabz be like: Can i come in?
puts an M badge on the wrong side
And gabz, is not there
Wow, an estate M3 E91. I wish BMW built those
They do build M5 wagons
SiM siMMa
Who has thr keys to my Mercedes-Benz?
I secretly took the program of the meet, here it is:
0900-1000 : arrival
1000-1100 : showcase of cars
1100-1200 : Presentation, how to workout while driving
1200-1300 : Presentation , how not to crash at the ring
1300-1400: Speech, why BMWs should be mandatory for everyone
1400-1600: Documentary, what is an ‘’indicator’’, what it does and why it’s required by the MOT office.
1601 Crowd frustration reaches climax due to documentary resulting in owners ripping out indicator stalks and throwing them out in protest
I bet none of them use their turn signals.
This is amazing! Are these ///M car events held every year at Ace Cafe? If so I need to make my way down there one day!
No mate, that was a one off, but we are holding our next meet in oxford on the 3rd of april. We will be going back to ace again though 👍
Omg it’s Bruce
I missed it, came to Ace at 4 !!! 😭😭😭