Amazon Prime's Grand Tour 'Job Advert' Is Genius

Fancy a job involving “setting things on fire,” and “handling heavy machinery (badly)”? Are you good at reeling off metaphor after metaphor? Then Amazon Prime has just the job for you.
The video streaming service has put up a new job advert for a TV host in a “temporary position to cover an absence due to pneumonia.” Successful applicants will have a “strong knowledge of cars, metaphors and progressive rock music,” as well as “a proven track record in effectively dealing with colleagues that they find annoying and being lost in unknown locations.”
Being able to drive fast while talking to the camera is a necessary part of the a job, and doing so without crashing is “considered an advantage, but not essential (apparently).”
Being tall and having curly hair will help you further, and don’t even think about applying if you don’t have a “qualification in exaggeration and braggadocio.”
Amazon, we see what you did there.
Well, time to apply.
Oh Disklok, where would we be without you
On this episode of Grand Tour: Hammond plays with a Hamster, May drives a brown car, and Disklok makes cheeky comments
Too small
Actor Needed
-preferably an ape/ other species considered
I wonder if Chris Evans is free?
Hahaha 😂 😂 😂
Id love to do this one 😂 😂
If chosen you would join a team of well established co-hosts of “various sizes”
This is gold
I will apply as a joke 😂😂😂
I’ll try to apply as well😂😂
Found the perfect replacment
he’s missing the curly hair though.
we all know James May wrote that ad Matt, it classic three amigos humour very British stiff upper lip as they been filming season 2 since december so it almost finshed.
Maybe Matt could apply if asked as he knews the guys.
It’s only co-presenting one episode
darn, i only got 6.4 million followers on twitter :(