Automatics Are Getting Good Enough To Kill Off DCTs, Says BMW M Boss

With conventional automatic gearboxes getting smarter and faster, dual-clutch systems could become obsolete quite soon
Automatics Are Getting Good Enough To Kill Off DCTs, Says BMW M Boss

At this point, we’re pretty used to the concept that - certainly for higher powered cars at least - the future of the manual gearbox is looking a little dicey. However, according to Peter Quintus - BMW M’s vice president of sales and marketing - the days of the dual-clutch gearbox may be numbered too.

Speaking to, Quintus said: “It’s more a question of how long has the DCT got to go.”

DCT ‘boxes were nothing short of revolutionary when they broke into the mainstream, providing near immediate shifts that were a world apart from traditional, lazy auto slush-boxes many were used to. The trouble is, torque converter automatics have gotten a lot quicker and a lot smarter in recent years.

Automatics Are Getting Good Enough To Kill Off DCTs, Says BMW M Boss

“The DCT once had two advantages: it was light and its shift speeds were higher,” Quintus explained, adding: “Now, a lot of that shift-time advantage has disappeared as automatics get better and smarter.”

On the subject of manuals, Quintus reckons 450bhp is about the limit of what they can reliably take. And while quite a few American cars manage much more than that with a stick shifter, he noted that “We looked at US gearboxes. We found they were heavy and the shift quality was awful”. Ouch.

Source: Drive via Jalopnik

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Manual for life.

I don’t know what i’m talking about, i don’t have a car.


04/24/2017 - 14:12 |
416 | 4
Dat Incredible Chadkake

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

at least you’re honest

04/24/2017 - 14:26 |
84 | 0
SAVAGE DOGG (Ping-Pong Gang) (Corvette Squad)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You’re not the only one

04/24/2017 - 17:59 |
2 | 0
Joshua Persaud (Wagon/Estate Squad) (Sleeper Squad) I need a

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Me too.

04/24/2017 - 20:39 |
0 | 0
P5 Ford

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Lol manual transmissions are a thing of the past. Every shift has human error in it.. Clutches that burn up and churning and crunching noises..

I bet 90% of the manual transmission drivers don’t know how to truly shift correctly..
You’re supposed to shift in a way that there is no jerk to it at all.. I know how to shift because my owners manual showed me the correct RPM’s for shifting flawlessly. And even then there is time loss in acceleration due to having to press the clutch down and manually select a gear and lifting your foot off the clutch.. While an automatic would just snap the gear in perfectly each time.


I prefer an automatic for a daily commuter to work but i do prefer a manual gearbox for those weekend drives with my classic car.. I just love the nostalgia. But for a daily commuter shitbox, automatic is much more convenient.

04/25/2017 - 06:44 |
10 | 48
Walter Staley

America right now

04/24/2017 - 14:13 |
28 | 16

Hey, we have freedom, that’s what really matters…

04/24/2017 - 14:27 |
34 | 8
Roadster / Tail Red

First manuals, now DCT’s…

Where is the world going to?

04/24/2017 - 14:16 |
74 | 2

They’re not dead


04/24/2017 - 14:20 |
8 | 2

CVT unfortunately, that’s where

04/24/2017 - 15:01 |
80 | 2

As long as they’re Fast & Furious movies, there are gonna be manual transmissions. Let’s hope they’ll never end producing new movies.

04/24/2017 - 19:51 |
4 | 2
Dat Incredible Chadkake


Side note, with torque converter autos, you can change the stall speed of the converter which affects drivability and performance

04/24/2017 - 14:28 |
4 | 0
Lovely Puppeteer

Faster shifting doesn’t always mean better. I really appreciate the effort and care put into advancing technology, but I don’t see why they must kill off a transmission type. So what if it doesn’t sell like the autos? There still exists a market for them.

04/24/2017 - 14:45 |
18 | 4

Why hang on to sub-par tech out of nostalgia? The only one worth holding onto is manual, however how a car changes gear when using auto really has no effect other than performance, hence why there is no reason to keep one when another works so much better.

04/24/2017 - 17:00 |
8 | 0

And I am here still trying to figure out how to use autos.

04/24/2017 - 14:46 |
16 | 2

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

You just ride in the D

04/25/2017 - 05:35 |
4 | 0

They can’t handle these ‘Murican clutches, stop-start traffic is your leg day.

04/24/2017 - 14:53 |
26 | 2


04/24/2017 - 14:54 |
0 | 0

dont worry m8 you are not dead yet


04/24/2017 - 14:56 |
264 | 2

In reply to by ......

Manuel train kitchen?

04/24/2017 - 17:42 |
20 | 0

In reply to by ......

Manuel train kitchen?

04/24/2017 - 17:42 |
6 | 6

In reply to by ......

But M8 is not even in production yet..

04/25/2017 - 05:20 |
2 | 0

I love the dig at murica

04/24/2017 - 15:08 |
0 | 2

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