This Awesome Projector Kit Can Turn Your Wall Into A Canvas For Designing Cars

You can turn your bedroom into the ultimate car design lair with this projection kit and digital pens
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When petrolheads get bored, many of us grab a pen and pad and start sketching. Well it’s about time we brought our doodles into the 21st century with this cool bit of kit.

In simple terms, We-Inspire runs on Windows OS, using projectors equipped with sensors to display the computer screen on your wall. Digital pens and integrated apps allow users to sketch and collaborate with other members of a team on design projects.

While it’s easy to see how this tech would be useful to automotive designers working in groups, having the system installed on your bedroom wall would be equally epic. Endlessly doodling, tweaking designs and sketching out futuristic supercars sounds like an awesome way to kill a few hours!

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