The BBC Won't Replace Chris Evans On Top Gear

Since Chris Evans announced his resignation from Top Gear after just one series at the helm, speculation as to whom his replacement might be has been rife. We wondered if the BBC might not replace him at all, and it seems that’s the case.
Speaking to the Evening Standard, a BBC spokeswoman confirmed that: “We have no immediate plans to replace Chris Evans and do not expect to do so going forward….Series 24 starts filming in September.” She also said that Evans made the decision by himself, and that the Corporation “fully respects his decision.”
So, assuming this stance doesn’t change, what happens next? Our expectation is that Matt LeBlanc will take over as main host, with the departure of Evans giving more screen time to Chris Harris and Rory Reid - something which will please a hell of a lot of viewers.
Announcing the news via Twitter on Monday, Evans said that he “gave it my best shot but sometimes that’s not enough”. The resignation came amidst news of the 50-year-old being investigated by the Metropolitan Police for a historical sexual assault claim.
The real reason why they are not replacing him is because they cant find anyone shouty enough.
Now there is just 9……………………………….
If they have any sort of brain, they’ll put Chris Harris in his place. Matt, Rory, and Chris are all great presenters. If people would just stop comparing them to the old trio, they might actually enjoy the show. I’m looking forward to how the show proceeds forward from here. Also ready for the grand tour to hurry up and release….
I would say to go back to the trio formula and put chris and rory next to matt, but we’ll see what they come up with.
That’s very true. My only request is that they get rid of the star in a rallycross car segment. It goes on for an eternity, and it’s boring af!
Personally I think Rory would be better placed in Evans’ role, I think he is naturally very entertaining. Chris Harris is at his best when he is behind the wheel and hopefully this will give him more screentime but I think Matt and Rory together doing the presenting in the show would be really entertaining.
Also they should take this opportunity to scrap the star in the rally cross car.. never liked the star in the reasonably priced car much but this rallycross form is just awful, too long and not at all entertaining
I couldn’t agree more!
Good! Theres way too many of them.
Did he seem a little “shouty” to you as well?
Mr. Chris Harris !! No other !
People will most certainly disagree with me here but I don’t feel like Matt should lead the show. He constantly sounds like he’s reading off an autocue and it’s not coming naturally to him, I’m not saying ditch him from the show, just make Chris the number 1 presenter
I get your point, but he mentioned somewhere that he thinks hes role is to scripted, if it were up to him, it wouldn’t be that way, i think he could do a great job if they gave him a honest chance!
That Porsche one… I suspect he’s made his point and been listened to. He came across very natural there.
Because they cant
He’s driving a Renault Twingo on this picture, I think that’s why he got fired.
Shame. I am totally available.