This Biker Led A Cop To The Clueless Driver Who Cut Him Off
After having a car almost merge into him, this quick-thinking biker in Connecticut spotted a police officer just off the road, and led him to the offending motorist
According to comments made by the biker on Reddit, the officer gave the driver two tickets: one for passing on the right, and the other for an unsafe lane change.
I don’t really see the biker’s problem here. Left lane is kinda broad and he’s on a motorbike. Yeah she made a mistake, but he’s being way too cocky about it. If you were in the situation of the girl, would you hit the brakes to give that motorbike more space? I sure wouldn’t, i’d just keep right and pay extra attention as long as the motorcycle is in my perimeter.
Which in my opinion makes you just as dangerous a driver as the woman in this clip. Why does everyone always have to be in front?! It’s really not hard to abide by the rules of the road, and to give way where appropriate!
can’t decide was it a good thing to call the cop or it was too much, because the situation wasn’t really that dangerous
If she’d have gone through with the maneuver, she’d have either knocked him off the bike, or he’d have ended up (on his bike, at best) in oncomming traffic.
Says the guy who’s never been on a motorcycle
Whats a 1-2 ton car gonna do against a 4-5 hundred pound bike? Its simple!!! The bike will loose!!! A car has soooooo much protection from a bike, what does a motorcycle have? You guessed it!!! The bike has only the gear of the rider!!!! And what does that mean you might ask?? That means that the bike wont win.
Right, forcing people into oncoming traffic isn’t a big deal, right? Of course the response was justified.
As a biker, we generally don’t take this sort of thing lightly. I’ve been forced into oncoming traffic by people doing this.
If she’d corrected herself, or just took responsibility and slowed down enough to let him through as soon as she noticed him, then his reaction wouldn’t have been so strong. The fact that she carried on with him making it perfectly clear he was there and it was his right of way, to me, makes his response entirely justified.
You couldnt have been more right.
She acted as if she didnt hear him or notice him at all.
clap! clap! clap!
You’re totally right. I’m sure she DID notice when he started honking. But she pretended to not have under the excuse of the loud music and continue bullying him off the lane.
a lady like this did the same for me. she almost squezed me between 2 cars. I followed her, I told her to stop doing this sht and she was” but I didn’t touch you and I don’t care”…jesus christ… I was so angry… but she stoped to talk and that’s was enough. I don’t have a problem when somebody accept that he fcked up…
Bike wins
why can`t the bikers do this instead of going on mirror smashing rampage?
Costs more - for the other person xD
That will wipe off that stupid laugh of her face..
well idk if it’s just me but in the end she seems to be covering her face with hands. justice served. :D
Car vs Motorcycle = 0 - 1
I’m gonna be the first assholio that say’s this, but can you remember a time a biker HASN’T in some way cut you off, or overtake from 10 cars away. They do such things, that you have to look 3 times when overtaking, becaouse some idiot will appear in a second doing 250 kmh in the other lane, and you’re going to be guilty for murder.
In my country, they’re the rudest bunch out there, and almost worse than bicycle morons.
Oh that completely justifies the potential of injuring or maybe killing of this law abiding motorcyclist, you know since all bikers must be bad because of the actions of some. Yeah you’re right, the person in the car was totally doing the right thing almost ramming this guy into oncoming traffic for no reason because he’s a biker and if she hadn’t done something dangerous he totally would have.
im not saying he is not right, but he might be exaggerating a little. he went on other side of the road few times too after the problem, wich is not allowed, but no one told anything about it. What the women did could have been SUPER dangerous, but maybe it s better to have a nice talk and explain.
haters gona hate…